The code for data preparation is in the WoodScape folder, please make sure you have downloaded and unzipped all the data from the official link. Then modify all the paths under the folder to match your own settings, and run:
python woodscape/
python woodscape/
python woodscape/
python woodscape/
Copy the file list in the data root dir, and make sure that the final data folder has the format as shown :
│ │ train.txt
│ │ val.txt
│ └───motion_annotations
│ └───previous_images
│ └───rgb_images
│ │ train_syn.txt
│ └───motion_annotations
│ └───previous_images
│ └───rgb_images
│ │ test.txt
│ └───previous_images(test_set)
│ └───rgb_images(test_set)
conda create --name openmmlab python=3.8 -y
conda activate openmmlab
conda install pytorch==1.7.0 torchvision==0.8.0 torchaudio==0.7.0 cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch
Follow the official tutorial to install mmseg and mmcv:
Please make sure the version of mmseg is 0.29.1.
Run :
We first trained a weights file that was used to initialize subsequent models. Then iteratively trained the weights containing only real data three times and three times containing both real data and synthetic data, and obtained a total of six models.
The final output will be saved in the results folder.