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Implement daily ascertainment in underlying truth data sampling (#279)
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* Update TruthSimulationConfig.jl

* Extra deps for more functionality

* Change Truth simulation approach to specifying all parameters

* update unit tests

* constructor for parameters that don't change from experiment to experiment

* update generate_truthdata

* remove unnecessary line
  • Loading branch information
SamuelBrand1 authored Jun 12, 2024
1 parent d3f1f9c commit 453fa1e
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Showing 10 changed files with 129 additions and 38 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions pipeline/Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,8 +12,10 @@ Dates = "ade2ca70-3891-5945-98fb-dc099432e06a"
Distributions = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f"
DocStringExtensions = "ffbed154-4ef7-542d-bbb7-c09d3a79fcae"
DrWatson = "634d3b9d-ee7a-5ddf-bec9-22491ea816e1"
DynamicPPL = "366bfd00-2699-11ea-058f-f148b4cae6d8"
EpiAware = "b2eeebe4-5992-4301-9193-7ebc9f62c855"
JLD2 = "033835bb-8acc-5ee8-8aae-3f567f8a3819"
LogExpFunctions = "2ab3a3ac-af41-5b50-aa03-7779005ae688"
MCMCChains = "c7f686f2-ff18-58e9-bc7b-31028e88f75d"
Plots = "91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions pipeline/src/EpiAwarePipeline.jl
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Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ with execution determined by available computational resources.
module EpiAwarePipeline

using CSV, Dagger, DataFramesMeta, Dates, Distributions, DocStringExtensions, DrWatson,
EpiAware, Plots, Statistics, ADTypes, AbstractMCMC, Plots, JLD2, MCMCChains, Turing
EpiAware, Plots, Statistics, ADTypes, AbstractMCMC, Plots, JLD2, MCMCChains, Turing,
DynamicPPL, LogExpFunctions

# Exported pipeline types
export AbstractEpiAwarePipeline, EpiAwarePipeline, RtwithoutRenewalPipeline,
Expand All @@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ export TruthSimulationConfig, InferenceConfig
# Exported functions: constructors
export make_gi_params, make_inf_generating_processes, make_latent_model_priors,
make_epiaware_name_model_pairs, make_Rt, make_truth_data_configs,
make_inference_configs, make_tspan, make_inference_method
make_default_params, make_inference_configs, make_tspan, make_inference_method

# Exported functions: pipeline components
export do_truthdata, do_inference, do_pipeline
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions pipeline/src/constructors/constructors.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ include("make_truth_data_configs.jl")
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions pipeline/src/constructors/make_default_params.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
Constructs a dictionary of default parameters for the given `pipeline`. This is the default method.
These are parameters that aren't expected to change by experiment.
# Arguments
- `pipeline`: An instance of `AbstractEpiAwarePipeline`.
# Returns
A dictionary containing the default parameters:
- `"Rt"`: The value returned by `make_Rt(pipeline)`.
- `"logit_daily_ascertainment"`: An array of values, with the first 5 elements set to 0 and the last 2 elements set to -0.5.
- `"cluster_factor"`: The value 0.1.
- `"I0"`: The value 100.0.
function make_default_params(pipeline::AbstractEpiAwarePipeline)
Rt = make_Rt(pipeline)
logit_daily_ascertainment = [zeros(5); -0.5 * ones(2)]
cluster_factor = 0.05
I0 = 100.0
return Dict(
"Rt" => Rt,
"logit_daily_ascertainment" => logit_daily_ascertainment,
"cluster_factor" => cluster_factor,
"I0" => I0)
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions pipeline/src/constructors/test_make_default_params.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
using Test

@testset "make_default_params" begin
# Mock pipeline object
struct MockPipeline <: AbstractEpiAwarePipeline end
pipeline = MockPipeline()

# Expected default parameters
expected_params = Dict(
"Rt" => 1.0,
"logit_daily_ascertainment" => [zeros(5); -0.5 * ones(2)],
"cluster_factor" => 0.1,
"I0" => 100.0

# Test the make_default_params function
@test make_default_params(pipeline) == expected_params
45 changes: 26 additions & 19 deletions pipeline/src/simulate/TruthSimulationConfig.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,20 +12,18 @@ mean and standard deviation.
"True generation interval distribution std."
"True day of week relative ascertainment."
"True cluster factor."
"True initial infections."
"Infection-generating model type. Default is `:Renewal`."
igp::UnionAll = Renewal
"Maximum next generation interval when discretized. Default is 21 days."
D_gen::T = 60.0
"Transformation function"
transformation::F = exp
"Delay distribution: Default is Gamma(4, 5/4)."
delay_distribution::Distribution = Gamma(4, 5 / 4)
"Maximum delay when discretized. Default is 15 days."
D_obs::T = 15.0
"Prior for log initial infections. Default is Normal(4.6, 1e-5)."
log_I0_prior::Distribution = Normal(log(100.0), 1e-5)
"Prior for negative binomial cluster factor. Default is HalfNormal(0.1)."
cluster_factor_prior::Distribution = HalfNormal(0.1)

Expand All @@ -45,31 +43,40 @@ function simulate(config::TruthSimulationConfig)
gen_distribution = Gamma(shape, scale)

model_data = EpiData(gen_distribution = gen_distribution,
D_gen = config.D_gen,
transformation = config.transformation)

epi = config.igp(model_data, config.log_I0_prior)
#Sample infections NB: prior is arbitrary because I0 is fixed.
epi = config.igp(model_data, Normal(log(config.I0), 0.01))

# Sample infections
inf_mdl = generate_latent_infs(epi, log.(config.truth_process))
inf_mdl = generate_latent_infs(epi, log.(config.truth_process)) |>
mdl -> fix(mdl, (init_incidence = log(config.I0),))
I_t = inf_mdl()

#Define the infection conditional observation distribution

#Model for day-of-week relative ascertainment on logit-scale
dayofweek_logit_ascert = ascertainment_dayofweek(NegativeBinomialError(cluster_factor_prior = config.cluster_factor_prior))
#NB: prior is arbitrary because cluster factor is fixed.
dayofweek_logit_ascert = ascertainment_dayofweek(NegativeBinomialError(cluster_factor_prior = HalfNormal(config.cluster_factor)))

#Model for latent delay in observations
obs = LatentDelay(dayofweek_logit_ascert, config.delay_distribution; D = config.D_obs)
obs = LatentDelay(dayofweek_logit_ascert, config.delay_distribution)

#Sample observations
obs_model = generate_observations(obs, missing, I_t)
yt, θ = obs_model()
#Sample observations with fixed values of underlying logit relative ascertainment
obs_model = generate_observations(obs, missing, I_t) |>
mdl -> fix(mdl,
(std = 1.0, cluster_factor = config.cluster_factor,
ϵ_t = config.logit_daily_ascertainment))

y_t, θ = obs_model()

#Return the sampled infections and observations

return Dict("I_t" => I_t, "y_t" => yt, "cluster_factor" => θ.cluster_factor,
return Dict("I_t" => I_t, "y_t" => y_t,
"truth_process" => config.truth_process,
"truth_gi_mean" => config.gi_mean,
"truth_gi_std" => config.gi_std)
"truth_gi_std" => config.gi_std,
"truth_daily_ascertainment" => 7 * softmax(config.logit_daily_ascertainment),
"truth_I0" => config.I0,
"truth_cluster_factor" => config.cluster_factor
22 changes: 13 additions & 9 deletions pipeline/src/simulate/generate_truthdata.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,10 +22,12 @@ the `simulate` function to generate the truth data. This is the default method.
function generate_truthdata(
truth_data_config, pipeline::AbstractEpiAwarePipeline; plot = true,
datadir_str = "truth_data", prefix = "truth_data")
true_Rt = make_Rt(pipeline)
default_params = make_default_params(pipeline)
config = TruthSimulationConfig(
truth_process = true_Rt, gi_mean = truth_data_config["gi_mean"],
gi_std = truth_data_config["gi_std"])
truth_process = default_params["Rt"], gi_mean = truth_data_config["gi_mean"],
gi_std = truth_data_config["gi_std"], logit_daily_ascertainment = default_params["logit_daily_ascertainment"],
cluster_factor = default_params["cluster_factor"], I0 = default_params["I0"])

truthdata, truthfile = produce_or_load(
simulate, config, datadir(datadir_str); prefix = prefix)
if plot
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,15 +57,17 @@ which saves to a temporary directory, which is deleted after the function call.
- `truthfile`: The file path where the truth data is saved.
function generate_truthdata(
truth_data_config, pipeline::EpiAwareExamplePipeline; plot = true, prefix = "truth_data")
true_Rt = make_Rt(pipeline)
truth_data_config, pipeline::EpiAwareExamplePipeline; plot = true,
prefix = "truth_data")
default_params = make_default_params(pipeline)
config = TruthSimulationConfig(
truth_process = true_Rt, gi_mean = truth_data_config["gi_mean"],
gi_std = truth_data_config["gi_std"])
truth_process = default_params["Rt"], gi_mean = truth_data_config["gi_mean"],
gi_std = truth_data_config["gi_std"], logit_daily_ascertainment = default_params["logit_daily_ascertainment"],
cluster_factor = default_params["cluster_factor"], I0 = default_params["I0"])
datadir_str = mktempdir()

datadir_str, io = mktemp(; cleanup = true)
truthdata, truthfile = produce_or_load(
simulate, config, datadir_str; prefix = prefix)
simulate, config, datadir(datadir_str); prefix = prefix)
if plot
plot_truth_data(truthdata, config, pipeline)
Expand Down
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions pipeline/test/constructors/test_constructors.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,3 +105,21 @@ end
inference_configs = make_inference_configs(pipeline)
@test eltype(inference_configs) <: Dict

@testset "make_default_params" begin
using EpiAwarePipeline
# Mock pipeline object
struct MockPipeline <: AbstractEpiAwarePipeline end
pipeline = MockPipeline()

# Expected default parameters
expected_params = Dict(
"Rt" => make_Rt(pipeline),
"logit_daily_ascertainment" => [zeros(5); -0.5 * ones(2)],
"cluster_factor" => 0.05,
"I0" => 100.0

# Test the make_default_params function
@test make_default_params(pipeline) == expected_params
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions pipeline/test/simulate/test_SimulationConfig.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,20 @@

# Test the TruthSimulationConfig struct constructor
@testset "TruthSimulationConfig" begin
using Distributions, EpiAwarePipeline, EpiAware
gi = Gamma(2, 2)
using Distributions, EpiAwarePipeline, EpiAware, LogExpFunctions
logit_daily_ascertainment = [fill(1.0, 5); fill(0.5, 2)]
normed_daily_ascertainment = logit_daily_ascertainment |> x -> 7 * softmax(x)
config = TruthSimulationConfig(
truth_process = [0.5, 0.8, 1.2], gi_mean = 3.0, gi_std = 2.0)
truth_process = [0.5, 0.8, 1.2], gi_mean = 3.0, gi_std = 2.0, logit_daily_ascertainment = logit_daily_ascertainment,
cluster_factor = 0.1, I0 = 100.0)

@testset "truth_Rt" begin
@test config.truth_process == [0.5, 0.8, 1.2]
@test config.gi_mean == 3.0
@test config.gi_std == 2.0
@test 7 * softmax(config.logit_daily_ascertainment) == normed_daily_ascertainment
@test config.cluster_factor == 0.1
@test config.I0 == 100.0
@test config.igp == Renewal
20 changes: 15 additions & 5 deletions pipeline/test/simulate/test_TruthSimulationConfig.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,24 @@
@testset "simulate runs" begin
using Distributions, EpiAwarePipeline, EpiAware
using Distributions, EpiAwarePipeline, EpiAware, LogExpFunctions
# Define a mock TruthSimulationConfig object for testing
logit_daily_ascertainment = [zeros(5); -0.5 * ones(2)]

config = TruthSimulationConfig(
truth_process = fill(1.5, 30), gi_mean = 2.0, gi_std = 2.0)
truth_process = fill(1.5, 30), gi_mean = 2.0, gi_std = 2.0, logit_daily_ascertainment = logit_daily_ascertainment,
cluster_factor = 0.1, I0 = 100.0)
# Test the simulate function
result = simulate(config)

@test haskey(result, "I_t")
@test haskey(result, "y_t")
@test haskey(result, "cluster_factor")
@test haskey(result, "truth_cluster_factor")
@test haskey(result, "truth_process")
@test haskey(result, "truth_gi_mean")
@test haskey(result, "truth_gi_std")
@test haskey(result, "truth_daily_ascertainment")
@test haskey(result, "truth_I0")

@test result["truth_daily_ascertainment"] 7 * softmax(logit_daily_ascertainment)

# The latent infections should be increasing with Rt > 1 for all time steps
growth_up = diff(log.(result["I_t"])) .> 0
Expand All @@ -20,14 +27,17 @@ end

@testset "generate_truthdata" begin
using EpiAwarePipeline

pipeline = EpiAwareExamplePipeline()
truth_data_config = Dict("gi_mean" => 0.5, "gi_std" => 0.1)
truth_data_config = Dict("gi_mean" => 2.5, "gi_std" => 1.5)
truthdata = generate_truthdata(truth_data_config, pipeline)

@test haskey(truthdata, "I_t")
@test haskey(truthdata, "y_t")
@test haskey(truthdata, "cluster_factor")
@test haskey(truthdata, "truth_cluster_factor")
@test haskey(truthdata, "truth_process")
@test haskey(truthdata, "truth_gi_mean")
@test haskey(truthdata, "truth_gi_std")
@test haskey(truthdata, "truth_daily_ascertainment")
@test haskey(truthdata, "truth_I0")

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