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Fix: Figure 2 script (#558)
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* Figure 2
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SamuelBrand1 authored Dec 16, 2024
1 parent ccbbed3 commit ae5c564
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Showing 6 changed files with 231 additions and 194 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pipeline/scripts/create_figure1.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ latent_model_dict = Dict(

## `ar` is the default latent model which we show as figure 1, others are for SI

_ = mapreduce(vcat, latent_model_dict |> keys |> collect) do latent_model
figs = mapreduce(vcat, latent_model_dict |> keys |> collect) do latent_model
map(Iterators.product(gi_means, gi_means)) do (true_gi_choice, used_gi_choice)
fig = figureone(
prediction_df, truth_data_df, scenarios, targets; scenario_dict, target_dict,
Expand Down
92 changes: 63 additions & 29 deletions pipeline/scripts/create_figure2.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,25 +1,16 @@
## Script to make figure 2 and alternate latent models for SI
using Pkg
Pkg.activate(joinpath(@__DIR__(), ".."))

using EpiAwarePipeline, EpiAware, AlgebraOfGraphics, JLD2, DrWatson, DataFramesMeta,
Statistics, Distributions, CSV
Statistics, Distributions, CSV, CairoMakie

pipelines = [
SmoothOutbreakPipeline(), MeasuresOutbreakPipeline(),
SmoothEndemicPipeline(), RoughEndemicPipeline()]
## Define scenarios and targets
scenarios = ["measures_outbreak", "smooth_outbreak", "smooth_endemic", "rough_endemic"]
targets = ["log_I_t", "rt", "Rt"]
gi_means = [2.0, 10.0, 20.0]

## load some data and create a dataframe for the plot
truth_data_files = readdir(datadir("truth_data")) |>
strs -> filter(s -> occursin("jld2", s), strs)
analysis_df = CSV.File(plotsdir("analysis_df.csv")) |> DataFrame
truth_df = mapreduce(vcat, truth_data_files) do filename
D = JLD2.load(joinpath(datadir("truth_data"), filename))
make_truthdata_dataframe(filename, D, pipelines)
truth_data_df = CSV.File(plotsdir("plotting_data/truthdata.csv")) |> DataFrame
prediction_df = CSV.File(plotsdir("plotting_data/predictions.csv")) |> DataFrame

# Define scenario titles and reference times for figure 2
# Define scenario titles and reference times for figure 1
scenario_dict = Dict(
"measures_outbreak" => (title = "Outbreak with measures", T = 28),
"smooth_outbreak" => (title = "Outbreak no measures", T = 35),
Expand All @@ -28,23 +19,66 @@ scenario_dict = Dict(

target_dict = Dict(
"log_I_t" => (title = "log(Incidence)", ylims = (3.5, 6), ord = 1),
"rt" => (title = "Exp. growth rate", ylims = (-0.1, 0.1), ord = 2),
"Rt" => (title = "Reproductive number", ylims = (-0.1, 3), ord = 3)
"log_I_t" => (title = "log(Incidence)",),
"rt" => (title = "Exp. growth rate",),
"Rt" => (title = "Reproductive number",)

latent_model_dict = Dict(
"wkly_rw" => (title = "Random walk",),
"wkly_ar" => (title = "AR(1)",),
"wkly_diff_ar" => (title = "Diff. AR(1)",)
"rw" => (title = "Random walk",),
"ar" => (title = "AR(1)",),
"diff_ar" => (title = "Diff. AR(1)",)

# **Fig 2**: _Overview_: This fig aims at presenting the nowcasting (e.g. 0 horizon estimate)
# at rolling inference time points for each scenario with each inference model choice _and_
# possible misspecification of generation interval. Time horizon choice: Chosen horizon = 0
# to align with Fig 1 but with other horizons as SI plots. _Plotting details:_ 3 x 4 = 12 rows
# corresponding to 4 main scenarios (e.g. outbreak with measures etc.) and 3 main targets (e.g.
# exponential growth rate etc), the scenario GI is fixed to the middle mean GI (10 days;
# others are in SI) and 3 columns corresponding to _underestimating mean GI_ (left), good
# estimation of GI (middle) and over estimating mean GI (right). Actual values as scatter plot.
# The posterior inferred value at the estimation date_ are plotted as boxplot plot quantiles
# with colour determining the inference model.

df = EpiAwarePipeline._fig2_pred_filter(prediction_df, "smooth_outbreak", "log_I_t", "ar",
0; true_gi_choice = 10.0, used_gi_choice = 10.0)
truth_df = EpiAwarePipeline._fig_truth_filter(
truth_data_df, "smooth_outbreak", "log_I_t"; true_gi_choice = 10.0)
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
ax, df; igps = ["DirectInfections", "ExpGrowthRate", "Renewal"],
colors = [:red, :blue, :green], iqr_alpha = 0.3)
EpiAwarePipeline._plot_truth!(ax, truth_df; color = :black)
vlines!(ax, df.Reference_Time |> unique, color = :black, linestyle = :dash)
ax.limits = ((minimum(df.Reference_Time) - 7, maximum(df.Reference_Time) + 1), nothing)
ax.xticks = vcat(minimum(df.Reference_Time) - 7, df.Reference_Time |> unique)

# figs = mapreduce(vcat, scenarios) do scenario
# mapreduce(gi_means) do true_gi_choice
# fig = figuretwo(
# truth_data_df, prediction_df, "ar", scenario_dict, target_dict;
# true_gi_choice = true_gi_choice)
# save(plotsdir("figure2_$(scenario)_trueGI_$(true_gi_choice).png"), fig)
# end
# end


## `ar` is the default latent model which we show as figure 1, others are for SI

figs = mapreduce(vcat, latent_model_dict |> keys |> collect) do latent_model
fig = figuretwo(
prediction_df, truth_data_df, scenarios, targets, 0;
scenario_dict, target_dict, latent_model_dict,
latent_model, igps = ["DirectInfections", "ExpGrowthRate", "Renewal"],
true_gi_choice = 10.0, other_gi_choices = [2.0, 10.0, 20.0], data_color = :black,
colors = [:red, :blue, :green], iqr_alpha = 0.3, horizon_diff = 7)

fig = figuretwo(
truth_df, analysis_df, "Renewal", scenario_dict, target_dict)
_ = map(analysis_df.IGP_Model |> unique) do igp
fig = figureone(
truth_df, analysis_df, latent_model, scenario_dict, target_dict, latent_model_dict)
save(plotsdir("figure2_$(igp).png"), fig)
99 changes: 22 additions & 77 deletions pipeline/src/plotting/figureone.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,76 +1,18 @@
Plot predictions on the given axis (`ax`) based on the provided parameters.
# Arguments
- `ax`: The axis on which to plot the predictions.
- `predictions`: DataFrame containing the prediction data.
- `scenario`: The scenario to filter the predictions.
- `target`: The target to filter the predictions.
- `reference_time`: The reference time to filter the predictions.
- `latent_model`: The latent model to filter the predictions.
- `igps`: A list of IGP models to plot. Default is `["DirectInfections", "ExpGrowthRate", "Renewal"]`.
- `true_gi_choice`: The true generation interval mean to filter the predictions. Default is `2.0`.
- `used_gi_choice`: The used generation interval mean to filter the predictions. Default is `2.0`.
- `colors`: A list of colors for each IGP model. Default is `[:red, :blue, :green]`.
- `iqr_alpha`: The alpha value for the interquartile range bands. Default is `0.3`.
# Description
This function filters the `predictions` DataFrame based on the provided parameters and plots
the predictions on the given axis (`ax`). It plots the median prediction line and two
bands representing the interquartile range (IQR) and the 95% prediction interval for
each IGP model specified in `igps`.
function _plot_predictions!(
ax, predictions, scenario, target, reference_time, latent_model;
igps = ["DirectInfections", "ExpGrowthRate", "Renewal"],
true_gi_choice = 2.0, used_gi_choice = 2.0, colors = [:red, :blue, :green],
iqr_alpha = 0.3)
pred = predictions |>
df -> @subset(df, :Latent_Model.==latent_model) |>
df -> @subset(df, :True_GI_Mean.==true_gi_choice) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Used_GI_Mean.==used_gi_choice) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Reference_Time.==reference_time) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Scenario.==scenario) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Target.==target)
for (c, igp) in zip(colors, igps)
x = pred[pred.IGP_Model .== igp, "target_times"]
y = pred[pred.IGP_Model .== igp, "q_5"]
upr1 = pred[pred.IGP_Model .== igp, "q_75"]
upr2 = pred[pred.IGP_Model .== igp, "q_975"]
lwr1 = pred[pred.IGP_Model .== igp, "q_25"]
lwr2 = pred[pred.IGP_Model .== igp, "q_025"]
if length(x) > 0
lines!(ax, x, y, color = c, label = igp, linewidth = 3)
band!(ax, x, lwr1, upr1, color = (c, iqr_alpha))
band!(ax, x, lwr2, upr2, color = (c, iqr_alpha / 2))
return nothing

Filter the `predictions` DataFrame for `scenario`, `target`, `reference_time`,
`latent_model`, `true_gi_choice`, and `used_gi_choice`. This is aimed at generating
facets for figure 1.
Plot the truth data on the given axis.
# Arguments
- `ax`: The axis to plot on.
- `truth`: The DataFrame containing the truth data.
- `scenario`: The scenario to filter the truth data by.
- `target`: The target to filter the truth data by.
- `true_gi_choice`: The true generation interval choice to filter the truth data by (default is 2.0).
- `color`: The color of the scatter plot (default is :black).
function _plot_truth!(ax, truth, scenario, target; true_gi_choice = 2.0, color = :black)
pred = truth |>
df -> @subset(df, :True_GI_Mean.==true_gi_choice) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Scenario.==scenario) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Target.==target)
x = pred[!, "target_times"]
y = pred[!, "target_values"]
scatter!(ax, x, y, color = color, label = "Data")

return nothing
function _fig1_pred_filter(predictions, scenario, target, reference_time,
latent_model; true_gi_choice = 2.0, used_gi_choice = 2.0)
df = predictions |>
df -> @subset(df, :Latent_Model.==latent_model) |>
df -> @subset(df, :True_GI_Mean.==true_gi_choice) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Used_GI_Mean.==used_gi_choice) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Reference_Time.==reference_time) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Scenario.==scenario) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Target.==target)
return df

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,13 +45,16 @@ function figureone(
axs = mapreduce(hcat, enumerate(targets)) do (i, target)
map(enumerate(scenarios)) do (j, scenario)
ax = Axis(fig[i, j])
ax, prediction_df, scenario, target, scenario_dict[scenario].T,
latent_model; true_gi_choice, used_gi_choice, colors, iqr_alpha, igps)
ax, truth_data_df, scenario, target; true_gi_choice, color = data_color)
#Filter the data for fig1 panels
pred_df = _fig1_pred_filter(
prediction_df, scenario, target, scenario_dict[scenario].T,
latent_model; true_gi_choice, used_gi_choice)
truth_df = _fig_truth_filter(truth_data_df, scenario, target; true_gi_choice)
#Plot onto axes
_plot_predictions!(ax, pred_df; igps, colors, iqr_alpha)
_plot_truth!(ax, truth_df; color = data_color)
vlines!(ax, [scenario_dict[scenario].T], color = data_color,
linewidth = 3, label = "Horizon")
linewidth = 3, label = "Reference time")
if i == 1
ax.title = scenario_dict[scenario].title
Expand Down
158 changes: 71 additions & 87 deletions pipeline/src/plotting/figuretwo.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,91 +1,75 @@
function _make_captions!(df, scenario_dict, target_dict)
scenario_titles = [scenario_dict[scenario].title for scenario in df.Scenario]
target_titles = [target_dict[target].title for target in df.Target]
df.Scenario_Target .= scenario_titles .* "\n" .* target_titles
return nothing
function _fig2_pred_filter(predictions, scenario, target, latent_model, horizon;
true_gi_choice, used_gi_choice, horizon_diff = 7)
df = predictions |>
df -> @subset(df, :Latent_Model.==latent_model) |>
df -> @subset(df, :True_GI_Mean.==true_gi_choice) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Used_GI_Mean.==used_gi_choice) |>
df -> @subset(df,
horizon-horizon_diff.<(:target_times.-:Reference_Time).<=horizon) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Scenario.==scenario) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Target.==target)
return df

function _figure_two_truth_data(
truth_df, scenario_dict, target_dict; true_gi_choice, gi_choices = [
2.0, 10.0, 20.0])
_truth_df = mapreduce(vcat, gi_choices) do used_gi
df = deepcopy(truth_df)
df.Used_GI_Mean .= used_gi
function figuretwo(
prediction_df, truth_data_df, scenarios, targets, horizon;
scenario_dict, target_dict, latent_model_dict,
latent_model = "ar", igps = ["DirectInfections", "ExpGrowthRate", "Renewal"],
true_gi_choice = 10.0, other_gi_choices = [2.0, 10.0, 20.0], data_color = :black,
colors = [:red, :blue, :green], iqr_alpha = 0.3, horizon_diff = 7)
fig = Figure(; size = (1000, 800 * length(scenarios)))
axs = mapreduce(vcat, enumerate(scenarios)) do (i, scenario)
n = length(targets)
Label(fig[(n * (i - 1) + 1):(n * i), 0],
scenario_dict[scenario].title, rotation = pi / 2, fontsize = 36)
mapreduce(hcat, enumerate(targets)) do (j, target)
map(enumerate(other_gi_choices)) do (k, used_gi_choice)
row = j + (i - 1) * length(targets)
ax = Axis(fig[row, k])
# #Filter the data for fig2 panels
pred_df = _fig2_pred_filter(
prediction_df, scenario, target, latent_model, horizon;
true_gi_choice, used_gi_choice, horizon_diff)
truth_df = _fig_truth_filter(
truth_data_df, scenario, target; true_gi_choice)
# #Plot onto axes
_plot_predictions!(ax, pred_df; igps, colors, iqr_alpha)
_plot_truth!(ax, truth_df; color = data_color)
vlines!(ax, pred_df.Reference_Time |> unique, color = :black,
linestyle = :dash, label = "Reference time")
# axes
if row == 1
if k == 1
ax.title = "Underestimating mean GI"
elseif k == 2
ax.title = "Good estimation of GI"
elseif k == 3
ax.title = "Overestimating mean GI"
if row == length(targets) * length(scenarios)
ax.xlabel = "Time"
if k == 1
ax.ylabel = target_dict[target].title
ax.limits = (
(minimum(pred_df.Reference_Time) - horizon_diff,
maximum(pred_df.Reference_Time) + 1),
ax.xticks = vcat(minimum(pred_df.Reference_Time) - horizon_diff,
pred_df.Reference_Time |> unique)
_make_captions!(_truth_df, scenario_dict, target_dict)

truth_plotting_data = _truth_df |>
df -> @subset(df, :True_GI_Mean.==true_gi_choice) |>
df -> @transform(df, :Data="Truth data") |> data
plt_truth = truth_plotting_data *
mapping(:target_times => "T", :target_values => "Process values",
row = :Scenario_Target,
col = :Used_GI_Mean => renamer([2.0 => "Underestimate GI",
10.0 => "Good GI", 20.0 => "Overestimate GI"]),
color = :Data => AlgebraOfGraphics.scale(:color2)) *
return plt_truth

function _figure_two_scenario(
analysis_df, igp, scenario_dict, target_dict; true_gi_choice,
lower_sym = :q_025, upper_sym = :q_975)
min_ref_time = minimum(analysis_df.Reference_Time)
early_df = analysis_df |>
df -> @subset(df, :Reference_Time.==min_ref_time) |>
df -> @subset(df, :IGP_Model.==igp) |>
df -> @subset(df, :True_GI_Mean.==true_gi_choice) |>
df -> @subset(df, :target_times.<=min_ref_time - 7)

seqn_df = analysis_df |>
df -> @subset(df, :True_GI_Mean.==true_gi_choice) |>
df -> @subset(df, :IGP_Model.==igp) |>
df -> @subset(df,
:Reference_Time .- :target_times.∈fill(0:6, size(df, 1)))

full_df = vcat(early_df, seqn_df)
_make_captions!(full_df, scenario_dict, target_dict)

model_plotting_data = full_df |> data

plt_model = model_plotting_data *
mapping(:target_times => "T", :q_5 => "Process values",
row = :Scenario_Target,
col = :Used_GI_Mean => renamer([2.0 => "Underestimate GI",
10.0 => "Good GI", 20.0 => "Overestimate GI"]),
color = :Latent_Model => "Latent models") *
mapping(lower = lower_sym, upper = upper_sym) *

return plt_model

function figuretwo(truth_df, analysis_df, igp, scenario_dict,
target_dict; fig_kws = (; size = (1000, 2800)),
true_gi_choice = 10.0, gi_choices = [2.0, 10.0, 20.0])

# Perform checks on the dataframes
_dataframe_checks(truth_df, analysis_df, scenario_dict)

f_td = _figure_two_truth_data(
truth_df, scenario_dict, target_dict; true_gi_choice, gi_choices)
f_mdl = _figure_two_scenario(
analysis_df, igp, scenario_dict, target_dict; true_gi_choice)

fg = draw(f_mdl + f_td; facet = (; linkyaxes = :none),
legend = (; orientation = :horizontal, position = :bottom),
figure = fig_kws,
axis = (; xlabel = "T", ylabel = "Process values"))
for g in fg.grid[1:3:end, :]
g.axis.limits = (nothing, target_dict["rt"].ylims)
for g in fg.grid[2:3:end, :]
g.axis.limits = (nothing, target_dict["Rt"].ylims)
for g in fg.grid[3:3:end, :]
g.axis.limits = (nothing, target_dict["log_I_t"].ylims)

return fg
leg = Legend(fig[length(targets) * length(scenarios) + 1, 1:2],
last(axs), "Infection generating process";
orientation = :horizontal, tellwidth = false, framevisible = false)
lab = Label(fig[length(targets) * length(scenarios) + 1, length(other_gi_choices)],
"Latent model for \n infection generating\n process: $(latent_model_dict[latent_model].title) \n True mean GI: $(true_gi_choice) days \n Horizon: $(horizon) days";
tellwidth = false,
fontsize = 18)

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