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Added new tab for 50-state overlay. Moved the tabs around on the top …
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…to be more logical. State was pushed off to the right b/c I don't think anyone uses it.
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mhollander committed Oct 11, 2017
1 parent ee889f0 commit 429145f
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Showing 2 changed files with 63 additions and 96 deletions.
27 changes: 24 additions & 3 deletions app.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,8 +83,9 @@ ui <- fluidPage(
downloadButton('data.csv', 'Download Data'),
tabPanel("50-State Overlay (one plot)", withSpinner(plotOutput("fiftyStatePlot"))),
tabPanel("50-State Comparison (many plots)", withSpinner(plotOutput("smplot", height="900px"))),
tabPanel("50-State Comparison", withSpinner(plotOutput("smplot", height="900px"))),
tabPanel("About", br(),
p("This page was created by ", a(href="" ,"Community Legal Services"), " to visualize the unemployment data made avaialble by the US Department of Labor and Bureau of Labor Statistics."),
p("The DOL Data can be found here: and the BLS data can be found ", a(href="", "here"), "and ", a(href="", "here.")),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -792,8 +793,28 @@ server <- function(input, output) {


# render the small multiple plot
output$fiftyStatePlot <- renderPlot({
fiftyStatePlot <- switch(input$viewData,
"monthlyUI" = get50StateComparisonPlot(ucRecipiency,input$range[1], input$range[2], "total_compensated_mov_avg", input$state, "Montly UI Payments",paste(input$state, "vs. US: Total Monthly UI Payments")),
"overvPayments" = get50StateComparisonPlot(ucOverpayments, input$range[1], input$range[2], "outstanding_proportion", input$state, "Overpayment Balance/Annual UI Payments",paste(input$state, "vs. US: Outstanding Overpayment Balance as a Proportion of Total UI Paid Annually")),
"fraudvNon" = get50StateComparisonPlot(ucOverpayments,input$range[1], input$range[2], "fraud_num_percent", input$state, "Fraud/Non-Fraud",paste(input$state, "vs. US: Fraud / Non-Fraud UI Overpayemnts")),
"overvRecovery" = get50StateComparisonPlot(ucOverpayments,input$range[1], input$range[2], "outstanding", input$state, "Overpayment Balance",paste(input$state, "vs. US: Outstanding UI Overpayment Balance")),
"nonMonDen" = get50StateComparisonPlot(ucNonMonetary,input$range[1], input$range[2], "denial_rate_overall", input$state, "Non-Monetary Denial Rate",paste(input$state, "vs. US: Denial Rates for Non-Monetary Reasons")),
"nonMonSep" = get50StateComparisonPlot(ucNonMonetary,input$range[1], input$range[2], "denial_sep_percent", input$state, "Proportion of all Non-Monetary Determinations",paste(input$state, "vs. US: Denials for Separation Reasons")),
"nonMonSepRate" = get50StateComparisonPlot(ucNonMonetary,input$range[1], input$range[2], "denial_sep_rate", input$state, "Non-Monetary Separation Denial Rate",paste(input$state, "vs. US: Denial Rate for Separation Reasons")),
"nonMonNonSep" = get50StateComparisonPlot(ucNonMonetary,input$range[1], input$range[2], "denial_non_percent", input$state, "Proportion of all Non-Monetary Determinations",paste(input$state, "vs. US: Denials for Non-Separation Reasons")),
"nonMonNonSepRate" = get50StateComparisonPlot(ucNonMonetary,input$range[1], input$range[2], "denial_non_rate", input$state, "Non-Monetary Non-Separation Denial Rate",paste(input$state, "vs. US: Denial Rate for Non-Separation Reasons")),
"TOPS" = get50StateComparisonPlot(ucOverpayments,input$range[1], input$range[2], "federal_tax_recovery", input$state, "Fed Tax Intercept $",paste(input$state, "vs. US: Fed Tax Intercepts (Quarterly)")),
"recipRate" = get50StateComparisonPlot(ucRecipiency, input$range[1], input$range[2], "recipiency_annual_total", input$state, "Recipiency Rate", paste(input$state, "vs. US: UI Recipiency Rate")),
"recipBreakdown" = get50StateComparisonPlot(ucRecipiency,input$range[1], input$range[2], "recipiency_annual_total", input$state, "Recipiency Rate", paste(input$state, "vs. US: UI Recipiency Rates")),
"uirate" = get50StateComparisonPlot(bls_unemployed_sa,input$range[1], input$range[2], "perc_unemployed", input$state, "Unemployment Rate",paste(input$state, "vs. US: Seasonally Adjusted Unemployment Rates")),
"lowerAuthority" = get50StateComparisonPlot(refereeTimeliness,input$range[1], input$range[2], "Within45Days", input$state, "Proportion of Decisions Within 45 Days", paste(input$state, "vs. US: First Level Appeal Decisions within 45 Days")),
"firstPay" = get50StateComparisonPlot(paymentTimeliness,input$range[1], input$range[2], "Within35Days", input$state, "Proportion of Payments Within 35 Days", paste(input$state, "vs. US: First Payments within 35 Days")),
"higherAuthority" = get50StateComparisonPlot(ucbrTimeliness,input$range[1], input$range[2], "Within75Days", input$state, "Proportion of Decisions Within 75 Days", paste(input$state, "vs. US: Second Level Appeal Decisions within 75 Days")))


Expand Down
132 changes: 39 additions & 93 deletions unemploymentDataProcessor.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ library(rgdal)

downloadUCData <- function (URL) {

# first try to find the file on the filesystem. If we can't find it
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -511,7 +512,8 @@ paymentAvg$Within70Days <- paymentAvg$Avg70Day
paymentAvg$Total <- NA
paymentTimeliness <- rbind(paymentTimeliness,paymentAvg)
paymentTimeliness <- paymentTimeliness[,c("st","rptdate","Within15Days","Within35Days", "Within49Days", "Within70Days", "Total", "Avg15Day", "Avg35Day", "Avg49Day", "Avg70Day")]

paymentTimeliness$st <- as.factor(paymentTimeliness$st)

# get seasonally adjusted unemployment data and change state names to abbrs
bls_unemployed_sa <- get_bls_employment_data(nsa=FALSE)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -653,110 +655,54 @@ getSMPlot <- function(dfData, startDate, endDate, measure, yLabel, plotTitle)
# asdf <- getSMPlot(ucRecipiency,"1990-01-01","2017-01-01", "recipiency_annual_total", "asdfasdf")
# asdf

# state_popup <- paste0("<strong>State: </strong>",
# usa$NAME,
# "<br><strong>Recipiency Rate: </strong>",
# usa$recipiency_annual_total)
# # print out the map. The problem here is that the palettes are white->red as you go from bad->good, which
# # means that we often will want to resort everything
# leaflet(data = usa) %>%
# addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
# addPolygons(fillColor = ~pal(recipiency_annual_total),
# fillOpacity = 0.8,
# color = "#BDBDC3",
# weight = 1,
# popup = state_popup)

# timeliness plot
#uiTable <- melt(subset(refereeTimeliness, st=="PA", select=c("rptdate", "Within30Days", "Within45Days")) ,id.vars="rptdate")
# a function to generate a single state vs 50-state overview on one graphs
# measure - the measure to graph
get50StateComparisonPlot <- function(dfData, startDate, endDate, measure, highlightState, yLabel, plotTitle)
plot <- ggplot(dfData[dfData$rptdate > as.Date(startDate) & dfData$rptdate < as.Date(endDate) & !(dfData$st %in% c("US","PR","VI","DC")), c("rptdate","st", measure)], aes_string(x="rptdate", y=measure, group="st")) +
geom_line(color="grey") +
geom_line(data=dfData[dfData$rptdate > as.Date(startDate) & dfData$rptdate < as.Date(endDate) & dfData$st==highlightState, c("rptdate", "st", measure)], color="tomato3", size=2) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(face="bold", hjust=.5, size=20),
legend.title = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_text(size=17, face="bold"),
axis.text = element_text(size=17)
) +
ggtitle(plotTitle) +
labs(x="Date", y=yLabel)

# uPlot <- ggplot(uiTable, aes(rptdate, value, col=variable)) +
# geom_point() +
# stat_smooth() +
# labs(x="Date") +
# ggtitle("hi")
# # make an uber DF that has all of the measures that we want and then melt/do a facet_grid
# uberDF <- ucRecipiency[,c("rptdate","st", "recipiency_annual_total")]
# uPlot +
# geom_hline(aes(yintercept=.9), linetype="dashed") +
# geom_text(aes(x=as.Date("2000-01-01"), y=.9,label = "the line", vjust = -1), color="black")
# bls_unemployed_sa$rptdate <- bls_unemployed_sa$rptdate+months(1)-days(1)
# uberDF <- merge(uberDF, bls_unemployed_sa[,c("rptdate", "st", "perc_unemployed")], by=c("st", "rptdate"), all=TRUE)
# uberDF <- merge(uberDF, ucNonMonetary[,c("rptdate","st","denial_sep_percent", "denial_non_percent", "denial_rate_overall", "denial_sep_rate", "denial_non_rate")], by=c("st", "rptdate"), all=TRUE)
# ?geom_hline

#recipiency breakdown plot
# I will move this in the future to a top-level plot that can be seen from teh website. Seems like a very important
# breakdown to given everyone
# ucMelt <- melt(subset(ucRecipiency, st=="PA" & rptdate > "1979-12-31", select=c("rptdate","total_week_mov_avg","unemployed_avg")) ,id.vars="rptdate")
# require(scales)
# ggplot(ucMelt) +
# geom_rect(data=recessions.df[recessions.df$Peak>"1979-12-31",], aes(xmin=Peak, xmax=Trough, ymin=-Inf, ymax=+Inf), fill='pink', alpha=0.3) +
# geom_line(data=ucMelt[ucMelt$variable=="total_week_mov_avg",], aes(rptdate, value, col=variable), size=2)+
# geom_line(data=ucMelt[ucMelt$variable=="unemployed_avg",], aes(rptdate, value, col=variable ), size=2) +
# reportTheme +
# labs(x="Date", y="",
# caption="Weekly continued claims and Total Unemployed by month.\nBoth numbers are smoothed over 12 month periods. These are the two components of recipiency rate.\nCreated by Community Legal Services 8-2017") +
# ggtitle("A Breakdown of Recipiency Rate in PA, 1980-2017") +
# scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) +
# scale_color_brewer(palette="Set1",
# breaks=c("total_week_mov_avg","unemployed_avg"),
# labels=c("Weekly Continued Claims","Monthy Unemployed (BLS)"))
# write.csv(ucRecipiency, "UCRecipiency.csv", row.names=F)
# write.csv(ucMelt, "UCRecipiencyPAMelt.csv", row.names=F)

# small multiple plot and export!
# smRecipiency <- ggplot(subset(ucRecipiency, rptdate > as.Date("1999-12-31") & st != "US", select=c("rptdate","st","recipiency_annual_total")), aes(x=rptdate, y=recipiency_annual_total)) +
# uberMelt <- melt(uberDF[,c("rptdate","st","perc_unemployed", "recipiency_annual_total", "denial_rate_overall", "denial_sep_rate", "denial_non_rate")],id.vars=c("st", "rptdate"))
# uberMelt$variable <- factor(uberMelt$variable, levels=c("perc_unemployed", "recipiency_annual_total", "denial_rate_overall", "denial_sep_rate", "denial_non_rate"), labels=c("Unemp Rate", "Recipiency Rate", "Non-Mon Denial Rate", "Sep Denial Rate", "Non-Sep Denial Rate"))
# #smPlot <- ggplot(uberMelt[!(uberMelt$st %in% c("US","PR","VI","DC")) & !$value),], aes_string(x="rptdate", y="value")) +
# smPlot <- ggplot(uberMelt[uberMelt$st %in% c("AK","PA") & !$value),], aes_string(x="rptdate", y="value")) +
# geom_line(size=1.1, color="gray29") +
# facet_wrap(~ st, ncol=5) +
# geom_line(data=subset(ucRecipiency, rptdate > as.Date("1999-12-31") & st == "US", select=c("rptdate","recipiency_annual_total")), aes(x=rptdate, y=recipiency_annual_total), color="tomato3", linetype="dashed") +
# facet_wrap(st ~ variable, ncol=5, scales="free_y", labeller=labeller(.cols=label_value, .multi_line=FALSE)) +
# geom_line(data=subset(dfData, rptdate > as.Date(startDate) & rptdate < as.Date(endDate) & st == "US", select=c("rptdate",measure)), aes_string(x="rptdate", y=measure), color="tomato3", linetype="dashed") +
# # geom_line(data=uberMelt[uberMelt$st=="US" & !$value),c("rptdate", "variable", "value")], aes_string(x="rptdate", y="value"), color="tomato3", linetype="dashed") +
# theme_minimal() +
# theme(plot.title = element_text(face="bold", hjust=.5, size=20),
# legend.position="top",
# legend.title = element_blank(),
# axis.title = element_text(size=10, face="bold"),
# axis.text = element_text(size=10),
# strip.text.x = element_text(face="bold")
# )
# ) +
# ggtitle("A 50-State Look at the Health of Unemployment Systems")
# png(filename="Std_PNG_cairo.png",
# type="cairo",
# units="px",
# width=1500,
# height=1000,
# res=96)
# smRecipiency

# dfData<-subset(ucRecipiency, rptdate > as.Date(startDate) & rptdate < as.Date(endDate) & !(st %in% c("US","PR","VI","DC")), select=c("rptdate","st", measure))
# startDate<-"2000-01-01"
# endDate<-"2017-06-30"
# measure <- "recipiency_annual_total"
# yLabel<-"recpiency rate"
# plotTitle <-"Plot me"
# benchplot(ggplot(dfData[rep(c(TRUE,FALSE), length=nrow(dfData)),], aes_string(x="rptdate", y=measure)) +
# geom_line(size=1.1, color="gray29") +
# facet_wrap(~ st, ncol=5) +
# geom_line(data=subset(dfData, rptdate > as.Date(startDate) & rptdate < as.Date(endDate) & st == "US", select=c("rptdate",measure)), aes_string(x="rptdate", y=measure), color="tomato3", linetype="dashed") +
# theme_minimal() +
# theme(plot.title = element_text(face="bold", hjust=.5, size=20),
# legend.position="top",
# legend.title = element_blank(),
# axis.title = element_text(size=10, face="bold"),
# axis.text = element_text(size=10),
# strip.text.x = element_text(face="bold")
# ) +
# labs(x="Date", y=yLabel) +
# ggtitle(plotTitle))
# ggsave("out2.png", plot=smPlot, device="png", width=15, height=50, units="in", limitsize=FALSE)

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