See main
Banner content loaded from Contentful for:
- Home page - Loaded with type "home" and slug "home"
- Category pages - Loaded with type "category" and slug matching category path
- Product pages - Loaded with type "product" and slug matching SKU
Custom query/component to load "FAQs" on product detail page. With locale support for static strings.
Requires metafields on a product matching the following details:
: "FAQ"permission
: "read_and_sf_access"value
: JSON string matching the following schema:
"question": "Question string",
"answer": "Answer string"
Two new Makeswift-enabled components are added:
- Image Compare Slider
- Team Members
Changes to main nav:
- Fewer top-level categories loaded
- Limited number of Web Pages loaded and displayed alongside top-level categories
- Three hierarchical levels supported for Web Pages, similar to categories
Additional environment vars: