The goal of corel190 is to provide a tidy interface to L190/2021 dati.anticorruzione on ANAC platforms. Through this package, you may freely access data on anti-corruption, transparency, and public contracts managed by ANAC in the context of its institutional activities. On their platform available data can be viewed and downloaded via the appropriate sub-sections; for example, in the section “Analytics,” there is a tool for browsing and analyzing data on public contracts, while in the section “Dataset” there is a collection of open JSON, CSV, and XML files that can be downloaded for free.
The following information has been made public.
- RPCT: a list of those responsible for the prevention of corruption and transparency.
- In-House: a list of administrative and judicial bodies that operate by direct payments to their own companies (art. 192 of the D.Lgs. n. 50/2016);
- L.190/2012: list of permitted and elaborated communications in
accordance with Art. 1, Paragraph 32 of the Legge 190/2012;
- Registro Comunicazioni: the interved communications between CAs and ANAC
- Albo Arbitri: Arbitri Albo della Camera Arbitrale;
- Dataset: list of Open Data datasets published by the Authority;
- Analytics: dashboard on public contracts for labor, services, and supplies.
Pkg corel190
serves this data (previously cleaned) by simply loading
i.e. library(corel190)
the package. Moreover it serves a set of
convenient functions to interact with xml data coming from
Registro Comunicazione L190.
You can install the development version of corel190 from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
- add ANAC logo to plots.
- in-house data has too many commas to be parsed, find a smarter way.
- add insistently and possibly wrappers in vignette
- moving out open data exept fot l190, this should be made onty fror L190.
Please note that the corel190 project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.