Spatial CIMIS webapp
This project requires Docker
Built Using
Install client and server dependencies. yarn and npm are required.
npm install
cd client/public
yarn install
This generates /client/public/js/bundle.js. From root of repo:
npm run watch
Requires Docker
cd docker/cimis-mobile-local
# start docker
docker-compose up
# in a new terminal (same dir) bash into container
docker-compose exec app bash
# start express server
node /cimis-mobile/server
If this is the first time starting, give the server some time to populate redis. The server will keep redis in sync, checking CIMIS every 4 hours for new data. The server also checks data on startup.
npm run dist
cd docker/cimis-mobile
docker-compose build --no-cache
cd docker/cimis-mobile
docker-compose up