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fixed wrong parameter in KPrototypes
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richardwolfmayr committed Sep 20, 2023
1 parent f263738 commit 085570d
Showing 1 changed file with 18 additions and 26 deletions.
44 changes: 18 additions & 26 deletions coral/
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Expand Up @@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ def k_ellbow(tissues_attribute_df, n_clusters_range=range(2, 60), cluster_method
# It is calculated by measuring the distance between each data point and its centroid, squaring this distance, and summing these squares across one cluster.
elif cluster_method == K_PROTOTYPES:
clusterer = KPrototypes(n_clusters=k, init='Cao', n_init=5, verbose=0), categorical=position_of_cat_attr, n_init=5, verbose=0), categorical=position_of_cat_attr)
# is cost_ the right value to use here?
# For the K-prototypes function, cost is defined as the sum distance of all points to their respective cluster centroids.
Expand All @@ -992,21 +992,16 @@ def k_ellbow(tissues_attribute_df, n_clusters_range=range(2, 60), cluster_method
# if no elbow_point is found, the last index of inertia_values is chosen
elbow_point = len(inertia_values) - 1

_log.debug("rate_of_change %s", rate_of_change)
_log.debug("inertia_values %s", inertia_values)

for i in range(len(rate_of_change) - 1):
diff1 = rate_of_change[i]
diff2 = rate_of_change[i + 1]
change_ratio = diff2 / diff1
_log.debug("change_ratio %s", change_ratio)
if change_ratio < 0.1: # this is an "arbitrary" threshold. The smaller the threshold, the more clusters are chosen
if change_ratio < 0.2: # this is an "arbitrary" threshold. The smaller the threshold, the more clusters are chosen
elbow_point = i # the rate_of_change show e.g. the change from 3 clusters to 4 cluster in index 2 of rate_of_change.
# so the elbow point is the index of the rate_of_change where the change from e.g. 3 to 4 is not big anymore: index 2. 3 clusters is a good amount of clusters.

optimal_k = n_clusters_range[elbow_point] # e.g. at the elbow point: 2 the number of clusters is 3
_log.debug("Optimal number of clusters: %s", optimal_k)
return optimal_k

Expand All @@ -1024,26 +1019,21 @@ def create_automatically():
- numberOfClusters: number of clusters to create. If 0 then determine a useful number of clusters.""".format(

_log.debug("request.values %s", request.values)

# based on createUseNumFilter and create cohorts with hdbscan clustering
# different implementations based on different parameters
# if there is just one (numerical) attribute, use hdbscan
# if there are two (numerical) attributes, use hdbscan
# if there is one categorical and one numerical attribute, use k-prototypes
cluster_method = None

query = QueryElements()
cohort = query.get_cohort_from_db(request.values, error_msg) # get parent cohort
tissues = None
tissues_df = None
tissues_attribute_df = None
attributes = json.loads(request.values["attributes"])
number_of_clusters = int(request.values["numberOfClusters"])

# check if every attribute["type"] is "number" ==> cluster_method = HDBSCAN
# or if every type is "categorical" ==> cluster_method = K_MODES
# or if there is at least one "number" and at least one "categorical" ==> cluster_method = K_PROTOTYPES
Expand All @@ -1064,34 +1054,37 @@ def create_automatically():
sql_text = query.get_cohort_data_multi_attr_sql_generic({"attributes": attributes}, cohort) # get sql statement to retrieve data
query_results = query.execute_sql_query(sql_text, cohort.entity_database)
# get the tissues but not the none values
tissues = [item for item in query_results.get_json() if all(value is not None for value in item.values())] # TODO: check if this works correctly
tissues = [item for item in query_results.get_json() if all(value is not None for value in item.values())]
tissues_df = pd.DataFrame(tissues)
# get only the values of the attributes
tissues_attribute_df = tissues_df[[attribute["dataKey"] for attribute in attributes]].values

# fit the clusterer based on the attribute values
# 1 or 2 numerical attributes ==> hdbscan or kmeans, if numberOfClusters is given
if cluster_method == HDBSCAN:
clusterer = hdbscan.HDBSCAN(min_cluster_size=round(tissues_attribute_df.shape[0] / 20),
_log.debug("HDBSCAN START")
clusterer = hdbscan.HDBSCAN(min_cluster_size=round(tissues_attribute_df.shape[0] / 10),
gen_min_span_tree=True) # one tenth of the number of tissues, to get a reasonable amount of clusters
# TODO: how to find a useful min_cluster_size? also: return useful error message if this gets too small somehow
# how to find a useful min_cluster_size? also: return useful error message if this gets too small somehow
# get the labels of the clusters
labels = clusterer.labels_
# get the number of clusters by getting the distinct values of labels
n_clusters_ = len(set(labels))
_log.debug("HDBSCAN END")
# hdbscan end
elif cluster_method == K_MEANS:
_log.debug("KMEANS START")
n_clusters_ = int(request.values["numberOfClusters"])
clusterer = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters_, n_init='auto')
# get the labels of the clusters
labels = clusterer.labels_
# get the number of clusters by getting the distinct values of labels
n_clusters_ = len(set(labels))
_log.debug("KMEANS END")
# kmeans end
# add the cluster labels to the tissues
elif cluster_method == K_PROTOTYPES:
_log.debug("K_PROTOTYPES START")
# find the positions of the categorical attributes
position_of_cat_attr = []
for i in range(len(attributes)):
Expand All @@ -1104,7 +1097,9 @@ def create_automatically():, categorical=position_of_cat_attr)
# Get cluster labels
labels = clusterer.labels_
_log.debug("K_PROTOTYPES END")
elif cluster_method == K_MODES:
_log.debug("K_MODES START")
# Number of clusters for K_MODES
if number_of_clusters == 0:
# determine optimal number of clusters with ellbow method:
Expand All @@ -1114,37 +1109,34 @@ def create_automatically():
clusterer = KModes(n_clusters=number_of_clusters, init='Huang', n_init=5, verbose=0)

# Fit the KModes model using categorical data
labels = clusterer.fit_predict(tissues_attribute_df)

# Get cluster labels
labels = clusterer.labels_
_log.debug("K_MODES END")

# create a cohort for each cluster
_log.debug("create a cohort for each cluster")
cohortids = []
for i in set(labels):
# add the cluster labels to the tissues
tissues_df["cluster_label"] = labels
clusters_tissuenames = tissues_df[tissues_df["cluster_label"] == i]["tissuename"].tolist()
_log.debug("cohortdebuggg %s", cohort)
# change the statement to use the ids of the cohorts
# Convert the list into a comma-separated string
sql_values = "(" + ", ".join(["'" + item + "'" for item in clusters_tissuenames]) + ")"
sql_text = "SELECT p.* FROM (SELECT * FROM tissue.tdp_tissue) p WHERE (p.tissuename IN {tissuenames})".format(
tissuenames=sql_values) # TODO: make this generic for other table, multiple attributes etc
# _log.debug("sql_text %s", sql_text)
cohort.statement = sql_text
# _log.debug("cohortdebuggg %s", cohort)

new_cohort = query.create_cohort_automatically_from_tissue_names(request.values, cohort,
error_msg) # get filtered cohort from args and cohort
_log.debug("new_cohort %s", new_cohort)
return_value = query.add_cohort_to_db(new_cohort).data # save new cohort into DB
# Convert bytes to integers and remove brackets
return_value = int(return_value.decode("utf-8").strip(
"[]\n")) # this is a workaround to undo the jsonify that is done in add_cohort_to_db
_log.debug("cohortids now %s", cohortids)
_log.debug("cohortids %s", cohortids)

return jsonify(cohortids)
except RuntimeError as error:
abort(400, error)
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