- QA Chat Assistant [ LLM, AI]
- Stock Price Picker [ Data science]
- Hugging_Face Examples [ AI, ML]
- Streamchattify [LLM, AI]
- Attendify [Cloud, Web App]
- Data-Analysis [Self Learning Notes of DA Python Libraries and EDA Project ]
- Clever cart[Web App, Automation]
- CRUD Rest-Api [SQL, RestAPI, Web App]
- User Management [SQL, Web App]
- Simple_Opencv-Live-Streaming-webapp [Web App, Opencv]
- Golang Examples
- CLI Weather Forecaster
- Quiz App
- Password Generator
- Slack File uploading Bot
- Stock market Scraper
- Static Website Hosting [Cloud, Website]
- Clever cart [ Web App, Automation]
- CRUD Rest-Api [ SQL, RestAPI, Web App]
- User Management [SQL, Web App]
- Deploying_Docker-App-on-Render_Using_Githubactions [Python-Streamlit, Docker, Render, Github Actions]
- Deploying_Docker-App-on-Heroku_Using_Githubactions[Python-Streamlit, Docker, Heroku, Github Actions]
- Deploying_Docker-App-on-AWS-Selfhosted-runner_Using_Githubactions[Python-Streamlit, Docker, AWS EC2, Github Actions]
- Github Jira Automation [Python, Atlassian Jira, AWS EC2, REST API]