∂-MD (read diff-MD) is built on top of ∂-HyMD. The main goal is to automatically learn force field parameters while running differentiable molecular dynamics simulations. Instead of using the hybrid particle-field Hamiltonian, this version uses regular force field functions.
To read more about ∂-HyMD check the paper here.
Note: If installing on Saga or Betzy you need to first load the
modulesmodule load Python/3.11.3-GCCcore-12.3.0 module load OpenMPI/4.1.5-GCC-12.3.0
and then proceed with the installation.
Clone the repo on your machine and create a virtual enviroment inside a directory <dir>
of your choice
cd Diff-MD
python -m venv --upgrade-deps <dir>
Then you can simply install the package with
source <dir>/bin/activate
pip install .
To run a simple MD simulation you can use
cd examples
diff_md mdrun -f dppc/input.h5 -p dppc/topol.toml -c dppc/options.toml -o dppc/simulation -v
Instead, to optimize force field parameters you can run
cd examples
sed -i -e s/10000/200/ dppc/options.toml # Use smaller number of steps when training
diff_md optimize -f input.h5 -p topol.toml -c options.toml -o dppc/train -m dppc/training.toml -v
Optimization requires a bit more work, so carefully check dppc/training.toml
for all the available options.
Inside training.toml
we need to specify a system
The elements of this list are directories that each contain the inputs to diff_md
, with the same name provided in the command line
(in the example above, these are input.h5
, topol.toml
, and options.toml
The system directories paths are relative to the working directory path from which you call diff_md
It is also possible to run multiple replicas of the optimzation in parallel, by using mpirun
mpirun -n 4 diff_md optimize ...
Finally, the program automatically checkpoints the state of the gradients and the parameters after each epoch.
These checkpoints are saved in the step_#/cpt
It's possible to restart the optimization from a given checkpoint by simply passing that directory to diff_md
diff_md optimize ... --restart step_600/cpt