Learn how to deploy a PKT announcement miner on the Akash Network.
PKT is a blockchain enabling anyone to become an ISP. Users allocate bandwidth from their local internet connections and build a global, decentralized edge network, by the people, for the people. - https://pkt.cash
This guide will show you how to deploy a PKT announcement miner on the Akash Network. There are 2 steps to a successful deployment.
- Creating a PKT wallet
- Create your SDL file and deploy it to Akash
There are 3 options to create a PKT wallet. A Command Line wallet and the GUI wallet are the only wallets that support mining. The GUI wallet is only available on MacOS. This guide will assume you are setting up a wallet via Command Line. If using the GUI wallet don't worry all we need is a wallet address to mine too. Microsoft Windows Download the most recent zip archive suffixed with -windows.zip available from pktd releases page
For example: pktd-v1.3.1-windows.zip Go to the Downloads directory Unarchive the content of the zip file Open the command prompt Type cd Downloads Follow the instructions below but In place of ./bin/pktwallet, type ./bin/pktwallet.exe In place of ./bin/pktctl, type ./bin/pktctl.exe
MacOS and Linux Download one of the most recent packages available for linux or macos from pktd releases page
For example, for pktd-v1.3.1 release: For MacOS, after having downloaded pktd-v1.3.1-macos.pkg, install pktwallet and other utilities by clicking on the package icon in the Finder. For Linux, after having downloaded one of the following packages: pktd-v1.3.1-linux.deb (Debian or Ubuntu), pktd-v1.3.1-linux.rpm (Fedora or RedHat) or pktd AUR package (Arch linux or Manjaro), install pktwallet and other utilities by clicking on the appropriate package icon or running an installation command
Creating a wallet
To create a new PKT wallet, use the pktwallet - create command:
./bin/pktwallet --create
You will be prompted to follow a few steps, make sure you write your seed words on paper so that you can recover your funds even if your computer is damaged.
Creating a new PKT address
while pktwallet is running in the background (in another terminal window), use the following command:
./bin/pktctl --wallet getnewaddress
You should see a series of numbers and letters beginning with pkt1, this is your address which you can use for receiving coins.
NOTE: Every time you use getnewaddress, the address you receive must be remembered by pktwallet forever so only use it when you actually need an address.
Congrats you now have a PKT wallet address and we can move onto step 2.
Here is an example SDL file you can use for your deployment.
version: "2.0"
image: chandrastation/pkt_on_akash
- WALLET_ADDR=<your-address-here>
# Pool order can be changed based off mining efficiency https://docs.pkt.cash/en/latest/mining/#choosing-a-mining-pool
- POOL1=http://pool.pkteer.com
- POOL2=http://pool.pktpool.io
- POOL3=http://pool.pkt.world
- POOL4=http://pool.srizbi.com
- port: 3000
as: 80
- global: true
units: 10
size: 512Mi
size: 512Mi
host: akash
- "akash1365yvmc4s7awdyj3n2sav7xfx76adc6dnmlx63"
denom: uakt
amount: 1000
profile: miner
count: 1
Announcement miners depend solely on internet connection and CPU processing power. In order to simplify the process multiple Deployment tools have been created. I highly recommend readers of this guide utilize them. Akashlytics Deploy Tool (Maxime Beauchamp) or Akash Deploy Tool (Tom Beynon) Both are great tools! The Akashlytics deploy tool is a bit simpler to use but is currently not available for MacOS and does not have a logging feature whereas the tool developed by Tom Beynon has both aforementioned features.
Copy the contents of the pkt miner SDL file and save it to a new file named miner.yml.
akash tx deployment create miner.yml --from <your_wallet_name> --node http://rpc.akash.forbole.com:80 --chain-id akashnet-2 --fees 5000uakt -y
After that command a string of JSON will appear in your terminal/command prompt.
Take not of your DSEQ it will be used in the following commands.
Next, run
akash query deployment get --owner <your_akash_wallet_address> --node=tcp:// --dseq <your_dseq>
Create a market order.
akash query market order get --node=http://rpc.akash.forbole.com:80 --owner <your_akash_wallet> --dseq <your_dseq> --oseq 1 --gseq 1
Acquire a list of bids.
akash query market bid list --owner=<your_wallet_address> --node=http://rpc.akash.forbole.com:80 --dseq <your_dseq>
Select a bid from a provider.
akash tx market lease create --chain-id akashnet-2 --node=tcp:// --owner <your_wallet_address> --dseq <your_dseq> --gseq 1 --oseq 1 --provider <select_a_provider_from_the_list> --from <your_wallet_name> --fees 5000uakt
Confirm your lease is open.
akash query market lease list --owner <your_wallet_address> --node=tcp:// --dseq <your_dseq>
Send the manifest.
akash provider send-manifest miner.yml --node=tcp:// --dseq <your_dseq> --provider <the_provider_you_selected> --home ~/.akash --from <your_wallet_address>
Ensure the miner is running.
akash provider lease-logs --node=tcp:// --dseq <your_dseq> --gseq 1 --oseq 1 --provider <the_provider_you_selected> --from <your_wallet_address>
Another great way too see how much PKT you are mining is by visiting the block explorer and inputting your PKT wallet address.
That's it! You should now be mining yourself some PKT. If you have any questions or need assistance with your deployment I recommend you join the Chandra Station Discord chat and ping me @Chalabi in the Akash support text channel!