VHDL library for 108th and 109th ITC hardware. Current version is v3 (under development).
Under src/
, every hardware have its own .vhd
file, consists of one package, which can have one or more constants and components.
Name | For | Status |
clk | System clock dividers | stable |
seg | 2x4 digit seven segment display decoder/scanner | stable |
key | 4x4 keypad scanner | stable |
mot | L293D H-Bridge for 2 DC motors interface | N/A |
dot | 8 x 8 bicolor (red/green) dot matrix display scanner | stable |
lcd | ST7735 128x160 RGB TFT LCD interface | N/A |
dht | DHT11 humidity and temperature sensor interface | N/A |
tsl | TSL2561 luminosity sensor interface | testing |
tts | SD178B Big5 TTS module interface | N/A |
Under src/util
, there are optional utilities for converting types, generating waves, etc.
Name | For | Status |
bcd | Converting unsigned integer into BCD vectors (for seg ) |
v1 stable |
pwm | Single phase PWM signal generator | v1 stable |
i2c | I2C (IIC) master interface | testing |
There are no actual complete VHDL testbench, but there some .vhd files located under tests/
you can Set as top level entity
in Quartus to test some of the packages.
Under tools/
there are references or converters to help with the writing of the code.
Contributions are always welcome!