IMPORTANT NOTICE: This lib is still under development. Any changes will be done without prior notice to consumers of this package.
Gorgon is a game development library for Dart.
1. Add the following to your project's pubspec.yaml and run pub install
Get the last gorgon version in pub:
gorgon: '>=0.14.0'
Or always get the last version in the git repository( may have broken code ):
2. Add the correct import for your project.
import 'package:gorgon/gorgon.dart';
1. Graphic Module
1.1. Creating a Display and Drawing a simple Sprite.
import 'package:gorgon/gorgon.dart';
main() {
// Create your display inside a DOM element.
Display display = new Display( query("#My display holder"), width: 320, height: 240 );
// Create a new sprite passing it's URL or base64 string
Sprite sprite = new Sprite( imageSource: "my image url or my imagebase64" );
// After the sprite load, draw it. in some point in the Display
sprite.onLoad.then((_) => sprite.draw( new Point2D( 160, 120 ) ) );
1.2. Creating a Sprite from a img element.
import 'package:gorgon/gorgon.dart';
main() {
// Create your display inside a DOM element.
Display display = new Display( query("#My display holder"), width: 320, height: 240 );
// Create a new sprite passing it's image element
Sprite sprite = new Sprite.fromImage( query("#my_image_element") );
1.3. Mirroring, rotating, scaling and applying alpha your sprite draw operation.
import 'package:gorgon/gorgon.dart';
main() {
// Create your display inside a DOM element.
Display display = new Display( query("#My display holder"), width: 320, height: 240 );
// Create a new sprite passing it's URL or base64 string
Sprite sprite = new Sprite( imageSource: "my image url or my imagebase64" );
// Wait for the sprite to load.
sprite.onLoad.then((_) {
// The following code will draw the sprite inverted horizontally, rotated 180 degrees, scaled 2.0 times and semi transparent.
sprite.draw( new Point2D( 160, 128 ), alpha: 150 mirroring: Mirroring.H, rotation: 180, scale: 2.0 );
1.4. Creating Spritepacks.
import 'package:gorgon/gorgon.dart';
main() {
// Create your display inside a DOM element.
Display display = new Display( query("#My display holder"), width: 320, height: 240 );
// Creating a Spritepack from a Dart Map.
Spritepack spritepack = new Spritepack.fromMap({
"animation-1" : [
{ "image": "your-image-1.png" },
{ "image": "your-image-2.png" },
{ "image": "your-image-3.png" }
"animation-2" : [
{ "image": "your-image-4.png" },
{ "image": "your-image-5.png" },
{ "image": "your-image-6.png" }
// Wait for the spritepack to load.
spritepack.onLoad.then((_) {
// Get your sprites from the pack and draw them.
spritepack["animation-1"][0].draw( new Point2D( 160, 128 ) );
1.5. Loading Spritepacks from a Json.
import 'package:gorgon/gorgon.dart';
main() {
// Create your display inside a DOM element.
Display display = new Display( query("#My display holder"), width: 320, height: 240 );
// Load a Spritepack from a Json.
// Inside your Json you can set your images path relative to your json file path.
Spritepack spritepack = new Spritepack.fromJSON( "yourspritepack.json");
Json example:
{ "xoffset" : -32, "yoffset" : -64, "image" : "yourimage_1.png" },
{ "xoffset" : -32, "yoffset" : -64, "image" : "yourimage_2.png" },
{ "xoffset" : -32, "yoffset" : -64, "image" : "yourimage_3.png" }
{ "xoffset" : -32, "yoffset" : -64, "image" : "yourimage_4.png" },
{ "xoffset" : -32, "yoffset" : -64, "image" : "yourimage_5.png" }
1.6. Creating a Spritepack from a tile sheet. And accessing it's groups and sprites.
import 'package:gorgon/gorgon.dart';
main() {
// Create your display inside a DOM element.
Display display = new Display( query("#My display holder"), width: 320, height: 240 );
// Create a Spritepaxk where each tile has 32px of width and 32px of height.
Spritepack spritepack = new Spritepack.fromTileSheet( "tilesheet.png", 32, 32 );
// Wait for the spritepack to load.
spritepack.onLoad.then((_) {
// In tile sheets, every row is a group, and can be accessed by it's number.
spritepack[0][0].draw( new Point2D( 160, 128 ) );
spritepack[1][0].draw( new Point2D( 160, 128 ) );
1.7. Creating a simple animation from a Map.
import 'package:gorgon/gorgon.dart';
main() {
// Create an animationpack from a dart Map
Animation animation = new Animation.fromMap({
"looping": true,
"loopFrame": 0,
"repeatNumber": -1,
"time": 6,
"frames": [
{ "group": "walk", "index": 0 },
{ "group": "walk", "index": 1 }
1.8. Creating a simple animationpack from a Map.
import 'package:gorgon/gorgon.dart';
main() {
// Create an animationpack from a dart Map
Animationpack animation = new Animation.fromMap({
"animation-1": {
"looping": true,
"loopFrame": 0,
"repeatNumber": -1,
"time": 6,
"frames": [
{ "group": "walk", "index": 0 },
{ "group": "walk", "index": 1 },
{ "group": "walk", "index": 2 },
{ "group": "walk", "index": 3 },
{ "group": "walk", "index": 4 },
{ "group": "walk", "index": 3 },
{ "group": "walk", "index": 2 },
{ "group": "walk", "index": 1 }
1.9. Load a animationpack from a JSON.
import 'package:gorgon/gorgon.dart';
main() {
// Create an animationpack from a dart Map
Animationpack animationpack = new Animation.fromJSON( "animationpack.json" );
// do something here
Json example:
"animation-1": {
"looping": true,
"loopFrame": 0,
"repeatNumber": -1,
"frames": [
{ "group": "stand", "index": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset":0, "time": 5, "mirroring": "None", "rotation": 0 },
{ "group": "stand", "index": 1, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset":0, "time": 5, "mirroring": "None", "rotation": 0 }
1.10. Creating an Animator from a Spritepack and an Animationpack.
import 'package:gorgon/gorgon.dart';
main() {
Display display = new Display( query("#My display holder"), width: 320, height: 240 );
Spritepack spritepack = new Spritepack.fromJSON( "yourspritepack.json");
Animationpack animationpack = new Animation.fromJSON( "animationpack.json" );
//wait for your resources to download
Futures.wait([ spritepack.onLoad, animationpack.onLoad ]).then((){
// Create a animator that will bind your animationpack to your spritepack
Animator animator = new Animator( spritepack, animationpack );
// After binding your spritepack and your animationpack you can run a sanityCheck.
// Now you can change animations and run them.
int ang = 0;
// Run this 60 times per second
Timer timer = new Timer.periodic( const Duration(milliseconds: 1000~/60), (_) {
// The method runStep will run only one step of the animation.
// The method draw will draw the correct sprite for each animation frame.
animator.draw( new Point2D(150,100), rotation: ang++ );
2. Audio Module
2.1. Loading and playing a sound
import 'package:gorgon/gorgon.dart';
main() {
// Create a sound object.
Sound sound = new Sound( soundUrl: "yoursound_url.wav" );
// Play it after the sound is loaded.
sound.onLoad.then((_) =>;
2.2. Loading and playing a sound with loop
import 'package:gorgon/gorgon.dart';
main() {
// Create a sound object.
Sound sound = new Sound( soundUrl: "yoursound_url.wav" );
// Play it after the sound is loaded with the looping argument as true.
sound.onLoad.then((_) => looping: true ));
2.3. Getting the duration and gain of a sound
import 'package:gorgon/gorgon.dart';
main() {
Sound sound = new Sound( soundUrl: "yoursound_url.wav" );
// You can set the base gain of the sound
sound.gain = 0.5;
// You can get the values just accessing them by their getters
print("The sound gain is: ${sound.gain}");
print("The sound duration is: ${sound.duration}");
2.4. Getting and Setting the AudioChannel of a Sound
import 'package:gorgon/gorgon.dart';
main() {
// Create an AudioChannel
AudioChannel my_ch = new AudioChannel("MyChannel");
// You can set the gain of a channel
my_ch.gain = 0.5;
// You can check how many AudioInstances are registered in this channel.
print("This channel has: ${my_ch.instances} instances");
// You can mute and unmute your channel as well
my_ch.mute = true;
my_ch.mute = false;
// And you can set your channel as a default channel for all sounds created after this operation.
// You can use your channel when creating a sound. If you don`t expecify your channel, it will get the last AudioSystem targetChannel.
Sound sound = new Sound( soundUrl: "yoursound_url.wav", channel: my_ch );
// You can get your audioChannel
AudioChannel channel =;
// When you play a sound, every modification defined in the Channel is applied to the Sound as well.;
2.5. Getting an AudioInstance from a Sound and manipulating it.
import 'package:gorgon/gorgon.dart';
main() {
// Create a sound object.
Sound sound = new Sound( soundUrl: "yoursound_url.wav" );
// Play it after the sound is loaded with the looping argument as true.
sound.onLoad.then((_) {
// Everytime you play a sound it generates an new AudioInstance
AudioInstance instance =;
//You can set and get the instance gain.
instance.gain = 0.5;
print("The gain of this sound instance is: ${instance.gain}");
// You can check if an AudioInstance is playing, scheduled for playing or is Finished.
print("This instance is Playing: ${instance.isPlaying}");
print("This instance is Scheduled: ${instance.isScheduled}");
print("This instance is Finished: ${instance.isFinished}");
// You can stop an AudioInstance.
// And play it later.;
2.6. Getting the used AudioChannels and searching for one.
import 'package:gorgon/gorgon.dart';
main() {
// Get the AudioSystem singleton instance
AudioSystem system = new AudioSystem();
// You can get a list with the name of all registered channels.
List<String> registeredChannels = system.channels;
// You can search for an expecific channel as well.
AudioChannel channel = "Does this channel exist?" );
Gorgon is using the Semantic Versioning for the construction of it's version number. For more info about it check it at
Gorgon is licensed under the zlib license. For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in LICENSE.txt
Font File used in the tests - Transcends Games
Dalmo Pereira for creating the SpriteSheet used in the tests - [email protected]
Thanks for the HTML5Rocks which provided me with awesome tutorials and articles.