Citrine v2.12.0 is released!
In this release of Citrine Python, we are happy to announce some new changes to make developer's lives easier. We've included new predictor endpoints that allows folks to programmatically fix stale models, simplified some of our code around path construction for file_link
s, and updated our allowed fingerprint methods in Generative Design. As always, we hope these changes keep you running smoothly.
What's New
- New endpoints to allow users to identify stale predictors (
predictors.is_stale(uid, version=version)
) and retrain stale predictors in-place (predictors.retrain_stale(uid, version=version)
). This allows users to retrain predictors that have become stale and use single prediction features and Candidate Modification. #843
- Simplified our path construction & escaping by centralizing and refactoring methods. #840
- We've updated our documentation and valid fingerprint types accepted in Generative Design strategies. #842
Full Changelog: v2.11.2...v2.12.0