city-of-helsinki/drupal-helfi-kuva: 2024-12-05.1 to 2024-12-18.1
What's Changed
- Automatic update in #441
- Automatic update in #443
- Automatic update in #444
- UHF-11137: Run CI pipelines using Docker compose setup in #445
- Automatic update in #447
- Automatic update in #448
- platform_config to 4.10.5 and drupal/core 10.3.10 in #449
- Dev to main in #442
Full Changelog: 2024-12-05.1...2024-12-18.1
city-of-helsinki/drupal-hdbt: 6.8.16 to 6.8.23
What's Changed
- Check exception type in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1107
- UHF-X: Fix webmanifest favicon url in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1128
- UHF-X Change description class coloring to be grants specific styling in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1130
- UHF-11059: Home care client fee calculator additions in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1126
- UHF-11032: Changed exclusion logic for table of contents in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1133
- UHF-X: Fix background color for map paragraph link to open the map in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1135
- UHF-10752 Farewell chunks in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1136
- UHF-10772: Extend linkedevents app in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1131
- UHF-10887: remove the hearings on wrong language -feature in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1137
- Publish test results in external repository in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1139
- UHF-10773: Make the popular services templates reusable in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1132
- Update Node.js to v22 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1097
- Update dependency postcss-nested to v7 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1098
- Update dependency stylelint-config-standard-scss to v14 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1121
- Update dependency @trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports to v5 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1127
- Automatic npm audit fix in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1129
- UHF-8689: Captions for illustrations on special pages in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1138
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt@6.8.16...6.8.23
city-of-helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin: 3.2.10 to 3.2.11
What's Changed
- Automatic npm audit fix in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin#314
- UHF-10713: Remove calls to composer version endpoint in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin#318
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin@3.2.10...3.2.11
city-of-helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-api-base: 2.7.19 to 2.7.21
What's Changed
- UHF-10713: Remove VersionChecker service in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-api-base#193
- UHF-10713: Fix update hook if module is not installed of config is missing in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-api-base#194
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-api-base@2.7.19...2.7.21
city-of-helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config: 4.8.10 to 4.10.5
What's Changed
- UHF-10555: Deprecated image style cleanup in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#856
- UHF-X Accordion paragraphs weights in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#863
- UHF-10908 Cookie settings page in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#864
- UHF-10539: Unpublishable redirects in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#862
- UHF-11032: Changed exclusion logic for table of contents in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#865
- UHF-10908 FunctionalJS test for cookie banner in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#861
- UHF-10539 update view configuration in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#867
- UHF-X Fix recursion when importing configuraition. in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#868
- UHF-10887 Hearings in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#866
- fixed in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#870
- UHF-X lock core 10.3.10 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#871
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config@4.8.10...4.10.5