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Module 0x1::FixedPoint32

Defines a fixed-point numeric type with a 32-bit integer part and a 32-bit fractional part.

Struct FixedPoint32

Define a fixed-point numeric type with 32 fractional bits. This is just a u64 integer but it is wrapped in a struct to make a unique type. This is a binary representation, so decimal values may not be exactly representable, but it provides more than 9 decimal digits of precision both before and after the decimal point (18 digits total). For comparison, double precision floating-point has less than 16 decimal digits of precision, so be careful about using floating-point to convert these values to decimal.

struct FixedPoint32
value: u64


TODO: This is a basic constant and should be provided somewhere centrally in the framework.

const MAX_U64: u128 = 18446744073709551615;

The denominator provided was zero

const EDENOMINATOR: u64 = 0;

The quotient value would be too large to be held in a u64

const EDIVISION: u64 = 1;

A division by zero was encountered

const EDIVISION_BY_ZERO: u64 = 3;

The multiplied value would be too large to be held in a u64

const EMULTIPLICATION: u64 = 2;

The computed ratio when converting to a FixedPoint32 would be unrepresentable

const ERATIO_OUT_OF_RANGE: u64 = 4;

Function multiply_u64

Multiply a u64 integer by a fixed-point number, truncating any fractional part of the product. This will abort if the product overflows.

public fun multiply_u64(val: u64, multiplier: FixedPoint32::FixedPoint32): u64
public fun multiply_u64(val: u64, multiplier: FixedPoint32): u64 {
    // The product of two 64 bit values has 128 bits, so perform the
    // multiplication with u128 types and keep the full 128 bit product
    // to avoid losing accuracy.
    let unscaled_product = (val as u128) * (multiplier.value as u128);
    // The unscaled product has 32 fractional bits (from the multiplier)
    // so rescale it by shifting away the low bits.
    let product = unscaled_product >> 32;
    // Check whether the value is too large.
    assert(product <= MAX_U64, Errors::limit_exceeded(EMULTIPLICATION));
    (product as u64)

Because none of our SMT solvers supports non-linear arithmetic with reliable efficiency, we specify the concrete semantics of the implementation but use an abstracted, simplified semantics for verification of callers. For the verification outcome of callers, the actual result of this function is not relevant, as long as the abstraction behaves homomorphic. This does not guarantee that arithmetic functions using this code is correct.

pragma opaque;
include [concrete] ConcreteMultiplyAbortsIf;
ensures [concrete] result == spec_concrete_multiply_u64(val, multiplier);
include [abstract] MultiplyAbortsIf;
ensures [abstract] result == spec_multiply_u64(val, multiplier);

schema ConcreteMultiplyAbortsIf {
    val: num;
    multiplier: FixedPoint32;
    aborts_if spec_concrete_multiply_u64(val, multiplier) > MAX_U64 with Errors::LIMIT_EXCEEDED;

define spec_concrete_multiply_u64(val: num, multiplier: FixedPoint32): num {
   (val * multiplier.value) >> 32

Abstract Semantics

schema MultiplyAbortsIf {
    val: num;
    multiplier: FixedPoint32;
    aborts_if spec_multiply_u64(val, multiplier) > MAX_U64 with Errors::LIMIT_EXCEEDED;

define spec_multiply_u64(val: num, multiplier: FixedPoint32): num {
   if (multiplier.value == 0)
       // Zero value
   else if (multiplier.value == 1)
       // 1.0
   else if (multiplier.value == 2)
       // 0.5
       val / 2
       // overflow
       MAX_U64 + 1

Function divide_u64

Divide a u64 integer by a fixed-point number, truncating any fractional part of the quotient. This will abort if the divisor is zero or if the quotient overflows.

public fun divide_u64(val: u64, divisor: FixedPoint32::FixedPoint32): u64
public fun divide_u64(val: u64, divisor: FixedPoint32): u64 {
    // Check for division by zero.
    assert(divisor.value != 0, Errors::invalid_argument(EDIVISION_BY_ZERO));
    // First convert to 128 bits and then shift left to
    // add 32 fractional zero bits to the dividend.
    let scaled_value = (val as u128) << 32;
    let quotient = scaled_value / (divisor.value as u128);
    // Check whether the value is too large.
    assert(quotient <= MAX_U64, Errors::limit_exceeded(EDIVISION));
    // the value may be too large, which will cause the cast to fail
    // with an arithmetic error.
    (quotient as u64)

We specify the concrete semantics of the implementation but use an abstracted, simplified semantics for verification of callers.

pragma opaque;
include [concrete] ConcreteDivideAbortsIf;
ensures [concrete] result == spec_concrete_divide_u64(val, divisor);
include [abstract] DivideAbortsIf;
ensures [abstract] result == spec_divide_u64(val, divisor);

schema ConcreteDivideAbortsIf {
    val: num;
    divisor: FixedPoint32;
    aborts_if divisor.value == 0 with Errors::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
    aborts_if spec_concrete_divide_u64(val, divisor) > MAX_U64 with Errors::LIMIT_EXCEEDED;

define spec_concrete_divide_u64(val: num, divisor: FixedPoint32): num {
   (val << 32) / divisor.value

Abstract Semantics

schema DivideAbortsIf {
    val: num;
    divisor: FixedPoint32;
    aborts_if divisor.value == 0 with Errors::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
    aborts_if spec_divide_u64(val, divisor) > MAX_U64 with Errors::LIMIT_EXCEEDED;

define spec_divide_u64(val: num, divisor: FixedPoint32): num {
   if (divisor.value == 1)
       // 1.0
   else if (divisor.value == 2)
       // 0.5
       val * 2
       MAX_U64 + 1

Function create_from_rational

Create a fixed-point value from a rational number specified by its numerator and denominator. Calling this function should be preferred for using Self::create_from_raw_value which is also available. This will abort if the denominator is zero. It will also abort if the numerator is nonzero and the ratio is not in the range 2^-32 .. 2^32-1. When specifying decimal fractions, be careful about rounding errors: if you round to display N digits after the decimal point, you can use a denominator of 10^N to avoid numbers where the very small imprecision in the binary representation could change the rounding, e.g., 0.0125 will round down to 0.012 instead of up to 0.013.

public fun create_from_rational(numerator: u64, denominator: u64): FixedPoint32::FixedPoint32
public fun create_from_rational(numerator: u64, denominator: u64): FixedPoint32 {
    // If the denominator is zero, this will abort.
    // Scale the numerator to have 64 fractional bits and the denominator
    // to have 32 fractional bits, so that the quotient will have 32
    // fractional bits.
    let scaled_numerator = (numerator as u128) << 64;
    let scaled_denominator = (denominator as u128) << 32;
    assert(scaled_denominator != 0, Errors::invalid_argument(EDENOMINATOR));
    let quotient = scaled_numerator / scaled_denominator;
    assert(quotient != 0 || numerator == 0, Errors::invalid_argument(ERATIO_OUT_OF_RANGE));
    // Return the quotient as a fixed-point number. We first need to check whether the cast
    // can succeed.
    assert(quotient <= MAX_U64, Errors::limit_exceeded(ERATIO_OUT_OF_RANGE));
    FixedPoint32 { value: (quotient as u64) }
pragma opaque;
include [concrete] ConcreteCreateFromRationalAbortsIf;
ensures [concrete] result == spec_concrete_create_from_rational(numerator, denominator);
include [abstract] CreateFromRationalAbortsIf;
ensures [abstract] result == spec_create_from_rational(numerator, denominator);

schema ConcreteCreateFromRationalAbortsIf {
    numerator: u64;
    denominator: u64;
    let scaled_numerator = numerator << 64;
    let scaled_denominator = denominator << 32;
    let quotient = scaled_numerator / scaled_denominator;
    aborts_if scaled_denominator == 0 with Errors::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
    aborts_if quotient == 0 && scaled_numerator != 0 with Errors::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
    aborts_if quotient > MAX_U64 with Errors::LIMIT_EXCEEDED;

define spec_concrete_create_from_rational(numerator: num, denominator: num): FixedPoint32 {
   FixedPoint32{value: (numerator << 64) / (denominator << 32)}

Abstract Semantics

This is currently identical to the concrete semantics.

Abstract to either 0.5 or 1. This assumes validation of numerator and denominator has been succeeded.

define spec_create_from_rational(numerator: num, denominator: num): FixedPoint32 {
   if (numerator == denominator)
       // 1.0
       FixedPoint32{value: 1}
       // 0.5
       FixedPoint32{value: 2}

Function create_from_raw_value

Create a fixedpoint value from a raw value.

public fun create_from_raw_value(value: u64): FixedPoint32 {
    FixedPoint32 { value }
pragma opaque;
aborts_if false;
ensures [concrete] result.value == value;
ensures [abstract] result.value == 2;

Function get_raw_value

Accessor for the raw u64 value. Other less common operations, such as adding or subtracting FixedPoint32 values, can be done using the raw values directly.

public fun get_raw_value(num: FixedPoint32): u64 {

Function is_zero

Returns true if the ratio is zero.

public fun is_zero(num: FixedPoint32::FixedPoint32): bool
public fun is_zero(num: FixedPoint32): bool {
    num.value == 0

Module Specification

pragma aborts_if_is_strict;