Ready to use fluentd-influxdb-grafana using docker-compose
git clone
cd fluentd-influxdb-grafana
docker-compose up
fluentd will look for json log in logs/logs.json
and push them into influxdb.
Use the following command to push dummy data
for i in {1..100}; do echo \{\"time\":$(($(date +"%s")+$i)),\"foo\":\"foo\",\"bar\":$RANDOM\} >> logs/logs.json; done
The InfluxDB exposes a shared volume for the data, it uses the folder ./data/
per default.
You can browse grafana using http://localhost:3000/
- Username: admin
- Password: admin
Select the influxdb datasource and use the following configuration:
- URL: http://influxdb:8086
- Database: test
- User: admin
- Password: admin