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@orta orta released this 03 Feb 08:23
· 271 commits to master since this release

The second release since we went to town making it production worthy. New major features are:

  • See a Podfile's Integration information
  • More inline error messages
  • Automatic installation of CocoaPods plugins for a Podfile

This should be the feature-set for 1.0 final now, core-team work is mainly going towards polish and initial onboarding flow.


CocoaPods 1.0.0.beta.3

  • None.
Bug Fixes
  • Don't try to embed project headers into frameworks.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Fix a crash in the analyzer when target deduplication is deactivated.
    Marius Rackwitz
  • Handle CoreData mapping models with recursive resource globs.
    Eric Firestone
  • Generate valid xcconfig when target name includes spaces.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Properly add resource files to resources build phase.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix suggestion of sudo when it actually isn't needed.
    Marcel Jackwerth
  • Set the TARGET_DEVICE_FAMILY to support both iPhone and iPad for iOS
    resource bundle targets.
    Andy Rifken
  • Share user schemes of Pods.xcodeproj after generating deterministic UUIDS.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only attempt to import a framework during linting if the pod has source
    files, and is thus being built by CocoaPods.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Determine whether an external source needs to be fetched when updating a
    dependency regardless of subspec names.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.2 (2016-01-05)

  • Present a friendly error suggesting running pod install when there are
    missing local podspecs when running pod outdated.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Don't warn about setting base config when identical to current config.
    Jed Lewison
  • Add user_targets method to the UmbrellaTargetDescription in the
    post-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Always fetch a :podspec dependency's podspec when it is missing in the
    Pods directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file will now be generated properly for resource bundles,
    setting the proper CFBundlePackageType and omitting the CFBundleExecutable
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix crash when deintegrating due to major version change and there are
    multiple root-level Xcode projects.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure the sandbox_root attribute is set on the pre-install hooks context.
    Samuel Giddins

1.0.0.beta.1 (2015-12-30)

  • The link_with Podfile DSL method has been removed in favor of target
    Samuel Giddins
  • The :exclusive => true Podfile DSL target option has been removed in favor
    of the inherit! :search_paths directive.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The specification of :head dependencies has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated :local dependency option has been removed in favor of the
    equivalent :path option.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated dependency method in the Podfile DSL has been removed in
    favor of the equivalent pod method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The deprecated preferred_dependency method in the Specification DSL has been
    removed in favor of the equivalent default_subspecs method.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The docset_url Specification attribute has been removed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Build configuration names are no longer set as pre-processor defines, but
    rather POD_CONFIGURATION_$CONFIGURATION_NAME is defined in order to lessen
    conflicts with pod code.
Highlighted Enhancements That Need Testing
  • The Podfile DSL has been cleaned up, with the removal of confusing options and
    the introduction of abstract targets, search paths-only inheritance, the
    specification of installation options, and the removal of head dependencies.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Add the ability to add a custom commit message when pushing a spec.
    Bart Jacobs
  • Added support for pod env to print the pod environment without having to crash.
    Hemal Shah
  • Add support for specifying :source with a pod dependency.
    Eric Firestone
  • Ask user to run pod install when a resource not found during in copy resources script.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Add support to track .def sources.
  • Add support to track .def files as headers.
    Dimitris Koutsogiorgas
  • Pod::Installer::PostInstallHooksContext now offers access to the sandbox
    Marcelo Fabri
  • Improve sorting algorithm for pod search.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve pod search performance while using --full flag.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve message when there is no spec in repos for dependency set in Podfile.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Reduce the number of times the user's Xcode project is opened, speeding up
    Samuel Giddins
  • Improving the performance of Pod::Installer::Analyzer#generate_pod_targets
    Daniel Ribeiro
  • Framework pods that have a header_mappings_dirs set will now produce
    frameworks with headers that respect the nesting.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now ensure that pods with a header_mappings_dirs have all
    of their headers inside that directory.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Pods will be validated with the -Wincomplete-umbrella compiler flag to
    ensure module maps are valid.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The validator will now attempt to build an app that imports the pod.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Info.plist file's CFBundleIdentifier is now set via the
    PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER build setting, consistent with Xcode 7.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Externally-sourced pods will now have their specifications quickly linted.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the deployment target on pods to be that which is defined in the
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set a deployment target for resource bundle targets.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are no longer integrated with CocoaPods will be properly
    de-integrated when installation occurs.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Targets that are integrated will be ensured that they have all
    CocoaPods-related settings and phases properly installed.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Total de-integration will happen whenever the major version of CocoaPods
    changes, ensuring backwards-incompatible changes are properly applied.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows specifying installation options via the install!
    Samuel Giddins
  • The Podfile now allows marking targets as abstract and specifying the pod
    inheritance mode via the inherit! directive.
    Samuel Giddins
Bug Fixes
  • Fix compiling of localized resources.
    Eric Firestone
  • Fix compiling of asset catalog files inside resource bundles.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Prevent installer to be run from inside sandbox directory.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Improve repo lint error message when no repo found with given name.
    Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
  • Fix a crash in dependency resolution when running Ruby 2.3.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix handling of localized files in Pods installed as frameworks.
    Tim Bodeit
  • Only include native targets when generating the Podfile in pod init.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that generated Info.plist files have a CFBundleShortVersionString
    that is precisely three dot-separated numbers.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Set the APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY build setting if integrating with a
    tvOS extension target, or a target that has the setting set to YES.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Only the root directory of externally-sourced pods will be searched for
    Samuel Giddins
  • Remove the library name's extension when adding it in the "linker flags" build
    setting to support dynamic libraries.
    Andrea Cremaschi
  • Specifying relative subspec names to the linter is now supported.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Headers used to build a pod will no longer be duplicated for frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key is now specified in the Info.plist
    file for tvOS pods built as frameworks.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix Swift code completion for Development Pods by using realpath for
    symlinked source files.
    Boris Bügling
  • Avoid the duplicate UUID warning when a Pod is installed for multiple
    Samuel Giddins
  • Changing the name of a target in a Podfile will no longer cause warnings about
    being unable to set the base configuration XCConfig.
    Samuel Giddins
  • Ensure that linking multiple times against the same framework does not trigger
    the duplicate module name check for frameworks.
    Boris Bügling
    Samuel Giddins
  • Fix lint in Xcode 7.2, it requires -destination.
    Boris Bügling
  • Empty podfiles / target blocks no longer break the user's Xcode project.
    Samuel Giddins
  • The pre-processor define for DEBUG will be set for all debug-based build
    configurations when building pods.
    Samuel Giddins