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Lesson 1.6

Mary Alice Moore edited this page Nov 8, 2022 · 4 revisions

This lesson will teach you the following:

  • Reusable Components
  • Component Composition
  • Imperative React
  • Inline Handler



Design patterns are solution blueprints to common software development problems. In React, they are methods to solve common problems experienced by React developers.

Component composition is a type of design pattern (or concept) that can be used to break a complex component down to smaller components, and then composing those smaller components to structure and build your application.

This technique prevents us from building too many similar components containing duplicate code and allows us to build fewer components that can be reused anywhere in an application. Thus making them easier to understand and maintain for your team.

For example:

A Button component that accepts title and onClick properties and renders a button tag:

const Button = ({ title, onClick }) => <button onClick={onClick}>{title}</button>;

Any component can render other components - that’s composition.

A Navigation component can then render that Button - that composes other components:

const Navigation = () => {
  return (
     <Button title="Create" onClick={onClickHandler} />
      ... // some other navigation code

With those components and their composition, we can implement as complicated UI as we want

Container Components

Compoments can accept a special prop called children, for which React has it’s own syntax.

const Button = ({ children, onClick }) => <button onClick={onClick}>{children}</button>;

The children syntax is special and looks like normal HTML tags.
Anything can go into children.

const Navigation = () => {
  return (
      <Button onClick={onClickHandler}>
        <Icon />
      // some other navigation code

Navigation controls what goes into children, from Button’s perspective it just renders whatever the consumer wants.

Now put this into action...

Create Reusable Input with Label Component

  • Inside /src directory, create a new file called InputWithLabel.js
  • Open /src/InputWithLabel.js
  • Declare and export a new functional React component named InputWithLabel
  • Move label and input JSX from AddTodoForm.js to InputWithLabel.js (see below)
    • Open /src/AddTodoForm.js
    • Cut (copy and remove) the label and input elements
    • Open /src/InputWithLabel.js
    • Inside the multi-line return, paste the elements you copied (hint: use a Fragment)
    • Add props as a parameter in the InputWithLabel function
    • Update todoTitle and handleTitleChange references to come from props
  • Refactor AddTodoForm.js to use new InputWithLabel component and pass the necessary props
  • Run your application and view in browser
    • Verify that your "Add Todo Form" still appears correctly

Great, now we have a reusable component! But what if we wanted to reuse this "Input with Label" in a different form? The "Label" is hard-coded as "Title" which isn't very reusable. Let's fix that:

  • Open /src/InputWithLabel.js
  • Replace the text inside the label element with a new props variable named label
  • Open /src/AddTodoForm.js
  • Pass a label prop to the InputWithLabel component with value "Title"
  • View your application in browser
    • Verify that your "Add Todo Form" still appears correctly

To-Do Application with Reusable Component

Refactor Input with Label to use Component Composition

  • Open /src/InputWithLabel.js
  • Replace label prop with children so that any child node(s) are used as the label text
  • Open /src/AddTodoForm.js
  • Refactor the InputWithLabel component
    • Remove the label prop
    • Change the component to have an open/close tag instead of being self-closing
    • Pass the text Title inside the component tags
  • View your application in browser
    • Verify that your "Add Todo Form" still appears correctly

Add Auto-Focus to Input

  • Open /src/InputWithLabel.js
  • Add autoFocus prop to input element
  • View your application in browser
    • Verify that input element is focused on page load

To-Do Application with Focused Input

Now the input is focused automatically, but what happens when you submit the "Add Todo" form? Focus is lost! Let's update our code so the input element is focused on every render:

  • Open /src/InputWithLabel.js
  • Use the useRef React hook to create an imperative ref named inputRef
  • Define a useEffect React hook with an empty dependency list
  • Inside the side-effect handler function, call the focus() method on the current inputRef
  • Remove the autoFocus prop on the input element
  • Add a ref prop with value inputRef on the input element
  • View your application in browser
    • Verify that input element is focused on page load
    • Enter a new todo in "Add Todo" form and submit
    • Verify that input element is re-focused automatically

Add "Remove" Button to List Items

  • Open /src/TodoListItem.js
  • Add a button element, type "button", inside the list item with text "Remove"
  • Open /src/App.js
  • Define a new handler function named removeTodo with parameter id
    • Inside this function, remove the item with the given id from todoList
      • hint: filter or splice methods
    • Call the setTodoList state setter and pass the new or modified Array
  • Pass removeTodo as a callback handler prop named onRemoveTodo to the TodoList component
  • Open /src/TodoList.js
  • Pass onRemoveTodo prop as a callback handler prop named onRemoveTodo to the TodoListItem component
  • Open /src/TodoListItem.js
  • Add an onClick prop to the button element and pass a function that calls onRemoveTodo from props with the current item id as an argument
  • View your application in browser
    • Click the "Remove" button next to any list item
    • Verify that the corresponding item is removed from the list
    • Refresh the page and verify that the item is still removed

To-Do Application with Remove Buttons