A curated list of amazingly awesome Icon fonts, of cause for the web and open source!
- IcoMoon App - 4000+ free vector icons, SVG import, convert to many formats, basic glyph editing.
- Fontello - This tool lets you combine icon webfonts for your own project.
- Icongram - Icons on the fly from popular icons sets as SVG hassle-free.
- - has a GitHub repository
- 🚀 - has a CDN option
- Font Awesome - The iconic font and CSS toolkit. 🚀
- Material icons - Over 900 material system icons from Google. 🚀
- Entypo - 411 carefully crafted premium pictograms by Daniel Bruce. 🚀
- Open Iconic - An open source icon set with 223 marks. 🚀
- Maki - Maki is an icon set made for map designers.
- Simple Line Icons - Simple and Minimal Line Icons. 🚀
- Dashicons - Dashicons, the WordPress admin icon font.
- Octicons - A scalable set of icons handcrafted with <3 by GitHub. 🚀
- DEVICON - A set of icons representing programming languages, designing & development tools.
- Themify Icons - A complete site/app set of 320+ icons inspired by iOS 7.
- JAM icons - 422 handcrafted & pixel perfect icons.
- Metrize Icons - Collection of 300 Metro-Style Icons.
- Dripicons - A completely free vector line-icon font. 🚀 (CDN is a fork)
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