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kfettich edited this page Oct 11, 2022 · 36 revisions

How will PAWS interact with the product?

A PAWS user will log into the UI ( and go to the Admin page, and upload the most recent report of volunteer records from Volgistics. At the next regularly scheduled run time for the pipeline, the pipeline will run the matching logic and identify any new matches, automatically calling the ShelterLuv and the Salesforce APIs. After the matching is complete, the pipeline will push data to PAWS' Salesforce. Within Salesforce, the RFM logic will run and attach an updated RFM score to each constituent.

Pre-handoff requirements

  • Structured, JSON-formatted logging to stdout/stderr, will be ingested by CfP Loki system. (494)
  • Move cron job to Kubernetes cron (493)
  • Create orientation documentation (look at other CfP projects - Chime & MatchMapper) (498)
  • Rotate API keys and document what to do when they time out (499)
  • In the DB, segment data that must be kept from data that can be refreshed (495)
  • CfP to set up an email that forwards to Slack (500)

Maintenance requirements

Issue Notes
1. The UI and app are accessible by PAWS users 501
2. Only authorized users can log in 502 Complete - the login screen and authentication process prevents unauthorized users from accessing the data.
3. PAWS can manage user access as needed (add/remove/change password) 496
4. An admin user can upload a Volunteer dataset See instructions in the End User Manual or in issue 503
5. The backend successfully connects to Salesforce and ShelterLuv APIs 504
6. The matching process completes successfully 505
7. Data is written to PAWS' Salesforce successfully 506
8. The matching process executes on a regular schedule 507
9. PAWS can modify the regular schedule PAWS will likely will need to talk to CfP about this (493)
10. PAWS can request stopping the pipeline, the matching, or the RFM calculation 497
11. PAWS has a channel for communicating about pipeline issues, questions, and requests for further development 508
12. If there is a data breach, PAWS will be notified as asap 509

Open Questions

  1. We registered the domain but could we get a subdomain from PAWS ( ?) to make renewal easier for PAWS?
  2. How to manage access to data / confidentiality agreement?