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Deep Image Analogy


Deep Image Analogy is a technique to find semantically-meaningful dense correspondences between two input images. It adapts the notion of image analogy with features extracted from a Deep Convolutional Neural Network.

Deep Image Analogy is initially described in a SIGGRAPH 2017 paper



This is an reimplemention of Deep Image Analogy with C++ combined with CUDA. It is worth noticing that:

  • The codes are based on Caffe.
  • The codes only have been tested on Ubuntu with CUDA 8 or 7.5.
  • The codes only support for machine with GPU, and have been tested on Nvidia GeoForce GTX 1080.


© Microsoft, 2017. Licensed under an BSD 2-Clause license.


If you find Deep Image Analogy (include deep patchmatch) helpful for your research, please consider citing:

    title={Visual Attribute Transfer through Deep Image Analogy},
    author={Liao, Jing and Yao, Yuan and Yuan, Lu and Hua, Gang and Kang, Sing Bing},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.01088},

Getting Started


  • Linux and CUDA 8 or 7.5

Configure & Build

  • Install dependencies for building Caffe. Just follow the tutorial from Caffe.
  • Use configuration script to download VGG19 Caffemodel by typing sh scripts/
  • Modify the CUDA path in Makefile.config.example and rename it to Makefile.config.
  • Compile Caffe, make sure you installed all the dependencies before. Just type make all.
  • Compile deep_image_analogy by sh scripts/
  • Add libraries built by Caffe into LD_LIBRARY_PATH by export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="./build/lib".


To run the codes for multiple images, the input datasets are required to be formed as follow steps:

  • Put the content images and style images into ./deep_image_analogy/images_content and ./deep_image_analogy/images_style folders.

  • Edit the configuration in ./script/ and then run sudo sh ./script/ to generate file lists.

  • Finally, the datasets will be formed as follows:

--- datasets/images_content/*.jpg
--- datasets/images_style/*.jpg
--- datasets/content_list.txt
--- datasets/style_list.txt

Tips: The size of input image is limited, mostly should not be large than 700x500 if you use 1.0 for parameter ratio.


To run the demo, just type:

sh ./script/

You need to set several parameters which have been mentioned in the paper. To be more specific, you need to set

  • path_model, where the VGG-19 model is.
  • path_A, the file list of input content images A.
  • path_BP, the file list of input style images BP.
  • path_output, the output path, will be created automatically.
  • GPU Number, GPU ID you want to run this experiment.
  • Ratio, the ratio to resize the inputs before sending them into the network.
  • Blend Weight, the level of weights in blending process.
  • Flag of WLS Filter, if you are trying to do photo style transfer, we recommend to switch this on to keep the structure of original photo.


  • We often test images of size 600x400 and 448x448.
  • We set ratio to 1.0 by default. Specifically, for face (portrait) cases, we find ratio = 0.5 often make the results better.
  • Blend weight controls the result appearance. If you want the result to be more like original content photo, please increase it; if you want the result more faithful to the style, please reduce it.
  • For the four applications, our settings are mostly (but not definitely):
    • Photo to Style: blend weight=3, ratio=0.5 for face and ratio=1 for other cases.
    • Style to Style: blend weight=3, ratio=1.
    • Style to Photo: blend weight=2, ratio=0.5.
    • Photo to Photo: blend weight=3, ratio=1.


Our codes acknowledge Eigen, PatchMatch, CudaLBFGS and Caffe. We also acknowledge to the authors of our image and style examples but we do not own the copyrights of them.


A linux version support for multiple images as input, based on







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