Find bubbles in the Colored de Bruijn Graph (CdBG) to reconstruct phylogenetic trees.
uses the CMake (>= version 3.1) build system to
compile and link its dependencies. Thus, in order to use kleuren
, one must
have CMake installed.
If you have super-user priveleges then you can install CMake by running
sudo apt-get install cmake
If you are running Ubuntu version 14.04 or earlier, then most likely the version
that you have installed is too old to be compatible with kleuren
(< version
3.1). You can download a CMake binary yourself,
or add a PPA to install a newer version of CMake via the following commands
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:george-edison55/cmake-3.x
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
and an up-to-date version of CMake will be installed for you.
If you have Homebrew installed, then just run
brew install cmake
and you are good to go!
Once CMake is installed, run the following commands to clone the kleuren
and compile the project
git clone --recursive
cd kleuren
mkdir build
cd build && cmake ..
there will be the kleuren
executable in the ./bin/
folder of the root
directory of the project. Thus, to run kleuren
from the root directory of the
project, you can simply execute
and you have just run kleuren
If you need to link against kleuren
to use it in your own program, then there
is also a static library in the ./bin
uses the C++ unit-testing library
catch to run unit tests. To run the test
suite, you can execute ./bin/kleuren_test
The data for the unit test is found in the test/data/small
directory, and the
unit tests themselves are found in test/src
depends on the
BloomFilterTrie to represent
the CdBG. Thus, one must create the BloomFilterTrie
representation of the CdBG
and pass that into kleuren
. In order to create the CdBG one must count the
kmers of the genomes and pass that into BloomFilterTrie
There is a scipipe workflow available at
This will install kleuren
and all of the other dependencies needed
and jellyfish
) to run kleuren
end-to-end, from genomes to
bubbles. If you would like to just see the steps needed to create the necessary
files, an example can be found in
Kleuren is the Dutch word for colors, which pays homage to the language of the home country of the de Bruin graph's namesake, Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn.