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Commercium Masternode Setup

A step by step guide howto setup your Commercium Masternode on Windows/Linux/MacOS local wallet & Linux VPS as remote MN.

You also can run your masternode at your own computer, but it must be operational 24/7 and have a dedicated IP address. When you run your masternode your funds are safe and stored at your local wallet, not at the VPS (linux machine most cases).


  • 100000 CMM + 0.001 CMM to pay transaction fees
  • VPS with at least 1024 RAM, 1 CPU, >20 GB HDD or more
  • Commercium wallet at local Windows/Linux/MacOs PC and VPS
  • VPS: better to use latest ubunty (18.04). If you run 16.04 just install: apt-get install libgomp1
  • putty remote shell client (

Masternode info

Commercium has ~1440 blocks x 24 hours with 8+fees reward distributed as follows:

  • 1440 * 8 = 11,520 CMM mined per day
  • 1440 * 3.8 = 5,472 goes to miners
  • 1440 * 3.6 = 5,184 goes to all masternodes
  • 1440 * 0.6 = 864 goes to founders fund / staking

PART 1: Local machine setup

Fresh wallet installation:

1. Install latest Commercium wallet at your local machine from this link:

Follow this video instructions for help: (Windows) (MacOS)

Upgrade old wallet

If you are already have old Commercium wallet then backup your data and export your private keys. You will import them later to new wallet:

Video instruction about how to migrate to new Commercium wallet:

Buckup ~/.commercium - directory for MacOs/Linux

Windows users (use command shell cmd.exe).

Press Win+r -> write cmd -> press Enter -> copy&paste this commands into the shell:

move %APPDATA%/ZcashParams  %APPDATA%/ZcashParams.backup
move %APPDATA%/Commercium  %APPDATA%/Commercium.backup

2. We must edit our local wallet configuration file commercium.conf.You can find commercium.conf here:

  • Linux: ~/.commercium directory
  • Windows: %appdata%/Commercium folder
  • MAC: ~/Library/Application Support/Commercium

Open your shell. How to do this described at previous step under "Upgrade old wallet". Enter this commands at Windows shell:

cd %appdata%/Commercium
notepad commercium.conf 
or better alternative:
open `commercium.conf` for editing with other editor. 
I suggest to edit it with external editor like Notepad++,
because the default notepad on Windows 7
did not recognize and break unix wrapping at this file.

Append this new line to the end of the file (commercium.conf):


Save & Close editor.

3. Exit windows wallet. Next we will do a full blockchain rescan to create transaction index.

Run this command at Windows shell: commerciumd.exe -reindex

Linux shell: ./commercium -reindex



del %APPDATA%\Commercium\peers.dat
del %APPDATA%\Commercium\budget.dat
del %APPDATA%\Commercium\mn*.dat
del %APPDATA%\Commercium\sporks /Q
del %APPDATA%\Commercium\chainstate /Q
del %APPDATA%\Commercium\blocks /Q
del %APPDATA%\Commercium\blocks\index /Q
del %APPDATA%\Commercium\database /Q


rm -rf ~/.commercium/blocks
rm -rf ~/.commercium/database
rm -rf ~/.commercium/chainstate
rm -rf ~/.commercium/sporks
rm ~/.commercium/mn*.dat
rm ~/.commercium/budget.dat
rm ~/.commercium/peers.dat


rm -rf Library/Application\ Support/Commercium/blocks
rm -rf Library/Application\ Support/Commercium/database
rm -rf Library/Application\ Support/Commercium/chainstate
rm -rf Library/Application\ Support/Commercium/sporks
rm Library/Application\ Support/Commercium/mn*.dat
rm Library/Application\ Support/Commercium/budget.dat
rm Library/Application\ Support/Commercium/peers.dat

Run new wallet release and wait until all block will be resynced. At QT Windows wallet check the tap "commerciumd" and wait until "Downloading blocks" will be 100% done. If you run -reindex at command line shell then close your cmd shell and run QT wallet.

4. At this step we will send your CMM masternode coins to some new collateral address (you'll receive masternode reward to this address).

Create new t-Addr. You can do this at "Receive" tab. Then send coins to this address from "send" tab.

Transfer exactly 100000 CMM to this address.

WARNING: save new private key for this new address and make wallet.dat backup now!

5. Then need to edit masternode config file to setup masternode:

Open masternode.conf for editing as you do it before with other config file.

Format: alias IP:port masternodeprivkey(NODEKEY) collateral_output_txid(OUTPUTTXID) collateral_output_index(OUTPUTINDEX) 
# Example: mn1 93HaYBVUCYjEMeeH1Y4sBGLALQZE1Yc1K64xiqgX37tGBDQL8Xg 2bcd3c84c84f87eaa86e4e56834c92927a07f9e18718810b92e0d0324456a67c 0

As you see above to setup masternode we must have the following data:

  • ALIAS - masternode alias
  • IP - VPS IP
  • PORT - always the same 2019
  • NODEKEY - masternode private key (looks like generated numbers and charts)
  • OUTPUTTXID - collateral output txid
  • OUTPUTINDEX - collateral output index (is usually 0)

6. Bellow is where all this requested information comes from:

6.1 Generating NODEKEY masternode private key. Run this at local wallet where you store your coins:

commercium-cli.exe masternode genkey

Output of this command is your Masternode Private Key (NODEKEY)


commercium-cli.exe masternode outputs

show "txhash" and "outputidx". txhash is your OUTPUTTXID / outputid is OUTPUTINDEX

6.3 Now you are ready to add all this information to masternode.conf.

Format: ALIAS IP:2019 NODEKEY OUTPUTTXID OUTPUTINDEX (separated with spaces, only IP and PORT separated with :)

6.4 Save your masternode.conf changes.

PART 2 (VPS Setup)

All local wallet configuration done. Now, we will setup VPS commercium wallet.

Masternode setup process (VPS):

Connect with Putty to your VPS. Just enter IP address of your VPS at the Putty windows and login with your VPS username/password.

If you need video instruction check this video:

Putty Connect

After connection enter your username and password then you will see linux shell.

_0. (not neccessory step). Run as regular user not root.

For securety purposes you can run your masternode as regular linux user, not root. If you want this then create new user adduser cmmuser (run as root) and then connect to your VPS with Putty again and login with this new user login and password._

Automatic VPS setup script:

If you do not want to follow part 2. Vps install mannualy you can use our automatic VPS setup script

chmod +x
Troubles and notes about this script
  • You can use it to install your commercium daemon as user (not root) for better securety.
  • Because of this you must install dependences manually as root with following command: sudo apt-get install wget nano libgomp1 -y or check that your system has this packages.
  • If you choose this automatic method, then skip 1-3 steps and go to step 4 below to activate your masternode and you are done!

1. Enter this commands at linux shell:

cd ~ (to be sure that you are at user home directory)

It will download archive with commercium to current directory.


_Hint: You can check available files at the current directory with ls command to check that commercium_continuum-v1.0.5-linux.tar.gz is here! _

2. Extract files with following commands:

tar -xzvf commercium_continuum-v1.0.5-linux.tar.gz

Note: It will extract all commercium files to commercium_continuum-v1.0.5-linux directory

3. Make directiry for configuration files and database:

mkdir .commercium

And then we will create commercium.conf:

echo -e "txindex=1\ndaemon=1\nrpcuser=CHANGEthisPASSWORD]\nrpcpassword=CHANGEthisPASSWORD\nmasternode=1\nmasternodeprivkey=NODEKEY" > .commercium/commercium.conf

or create new config file at .commercium directory with the following command:

nano ~/.commercium/commercium.conf

add following:

rpcpassword=[[RANDOM PASSWORD]

Hint: to paste text at nano you can use ctrl+shift+v, or middle mouse click, or shift+insert

NODEKEY - is the key from previous part (6.1)

PASSWORD - random password. Use at least 10 charts secure password.

[] -- must be also removed.


4. Masternode Activation

on local wallet windows cmd shell: commercium-cli.exe startmasternode all missing alternative command: commercium-cli.exe startalias MASTERNODEALIAS

Success start example output:

  "overall": "Successfully started 1 masternodes, failed to start 0, total 1",
  "detail": [
      "alias": "mn1",
      "result": "success",
      "error": ""

on vps ./commercium-cli masternode debug must display "Masternode successfully started." if not, wait 20 minutes and start the masternode again using the command above.

To activate a masternode the local wallet and masternode must have the masternode list synced ./commercium-cli mnsync status to check it.

There are 2 sync; one is blockchain and one is masternode. In some cases need to wait for full sync ~30 mins.

If you have troubles with syncing (it stop syncking) then it's possible to resync: Part 1) 3.

5. How to add commercium daemon to start automatically after VPS reboot

Create new file nano with following text:

cd ~/commercium_continuum-v1.0.5-linux

then chmod +x

crontab -e

add this line to the bottom: @reboot bash ~/

To test it just reboot your vps.

Securety tips:

If you want to secure your vps with firewall rules just remember to keep port 2019 open. Secure vps tips:

Masternode reward.

You can leave your MN rewards in the MN address for as long as you want. But before you can move your reward coins anyway all MN rewards must be shielded by sending to a transparent Z address. Its called shielding. Its because the MN rewards were mined. The rule is that all mined coins must be shielded before they can be sent to a transparent C address.

Just copy the z_addr. Go to balances and right click the address with the masternode collateral which shouldn’t show the balance of 100,000 which is used for the masternode. Then click send from, then paste the z_addr and click send maximum or input the amount and click send. Shielding is sending from a t-addr (transparent address, which for Commercium starts with C) to a z_addr starting with a z.

The coins generated from a masternode can only be shielded after 100 confirmations. Bacause of that block explorer can show difference between the balance on MN address in the explorer and in the qt wallet.

What happens if someone doesn't shield those coins and just tries to send them to another T-address? Nothing ;) You would simply get an error and no transaction would happen.

How to spend/recover blocked 100k MN coins.

Remove or comment out the lines in masternode.conf with your MN.

Usefull links

Hot nodes. Advanced users only (not recommended)

With Commercium you can run hot nodes. Its risky because you hold 100,000 coins on the node, but you can remove the wallet.dat after start. All you do is grab a masternode genkey with commercium-cli masternode genkey, take this guy and use it as the masternodeprivkey= in your commercium.conf on your linux VPS. So you would have masternode=1 masternodeprivkey=5... that key from genkey, and make sure to have txindex=1 also. Run commerciumd with these parameters then grab an address commercium-cli getnewaddress and send 100000 after 20 minutes just start your masternode with commercium-cli masternode start all 0 and itll be up and running, remove your wallet dat file from .commercium and done. No local client needed nor masternode.conf


Commercium Masternode setup scripts






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