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A Kickstarter data-scraper project.


This project scrapes crowdfunding data from Kickstarter to allow detailed analysis. Because Kickstarter hides failed, cancelled, or suspended projects from its search results and discover interface, a collection of projects is first retrieved from Kicktraq is a crowdfunding analytics and discovery platform, and tracks projects that are launched on Kickstarter, even after they fail. The project list scraped from Kicktraq can be found under data/project-list.json.

Once a list of projects is gathered from Kicktraq, a second scraper is deployed to collect detailed data from individual projects on Kickstarter proper. Each project has over 30 datapoints which are gathered and stored in JSON and CSV format. While the data from Kicktraq yields about 750 projects to analyze, only successful or failed projects are scraped in this second step. Active, cancelled and suspended projects are ignored; only projects that have completed their full crowdfunding term are considered. Successful and failed projects are both handled differently due to their different HTML structures on Kickstarter's website, but the same data points are collected in both cases. (Notably, successful projects require one additional HTTP request—3, instead of 2—because less information is displayed on the main project page.) The results of the scraper are written to a CSV file at the filepath data/project-data.csv. This file is also duplicated in JSON format to provide a more human-readable format, and to allow a wider range of programming library choices when analyzing the data later.

Data Points Collected

Individual data points:

  • backer_count => The number of campaign backers
  • comment_count => The number of campaign comments
  • creator_num_backed => The number of other campaigns backed by the project creators
  • creator_num_created => The number of campaigns created by the project creator
  • description_length => The number of characters in the campaign description
  • description_images => The number of images in the campaign description
  • description_links => The number of hyperlinks in the campaign description
  • funding_currency => The ISO 4217 code for the campaign collection currency
  • funding_goal => The funding goal of the campaign
  • funding_raised => The amount of funds raised by the end of the campaign
  • funding_percent => The percent of desired funds raised
  • tier_count => The number of unique tiers for backers to pledge at
  • tier_limits => The max number of slots for each tier, or "False" if no limit (comma-separated)
  • tier_limited_count => The number of limited tiers
  • tier_text_length => The number of characters in each tier description (comma-separated)
  • tier_values => The currency value of each tier (comma-separated)
  • tier_backers => The number of backers of each tier (comma-separated)
  • tier_text_length_avg => The average number of characters for all tier descriptions
  • tier_values_avg => The average currency value for all tiers
  • tier_backers_avg => The average number of backers per tier
  • project_name => The campaign title
  • project_url => The project URL
  • project_start => An ISO 8601 datetime stamp for the moment the project started
  • project_end => An ISO 8601 datetime stamp for the moment the project ended
  • project_duration => The number of days in the campaign's duration
  • project_status => Whether the project successed for failed ("success" || "failure")
  • project_video => Whether the project had a video on its main page ("True" || "False")
  • update_count => The number of creator-posted updates made while the campaign was running
  • update_comments => The number of user comments on each update (comma-separated)
  • update_likes => The number of user "likes" on each update (comma-separated)
  • update_times => The ISO 8601 datetime stamp for the moment each update was posted (comma-separated)
  • update_comments_avg => The average number of user comments posted on each update
  • update_likes_avg => The average number of user "likes" made on each update
  • update_times_avg => The average time of day updates were posted at (decimal hours since midnight)

Total: 34


  • All "update" variables take on values of "False" when the variable update_count is equal to zero.
  • Because of the excessive number of HTTP requests required to filter through backer comments, there is no distinction made between comments posted during and comments posted after the campaign's close. Because the projects scraped are all relatively recent, this should not be too much of an issue. However, it will inflate the number of comments for older campaigns relative to new ones.
  • Because the campaign description is locked to edits when a campaign ends, the description stats are accurate for that time. However, they don't capture the significance of any changes that may have occurred over the course of the campaign.
  • Campaign managers will on occassion re-issue limited-quantity tiers to backers by creating an entirely new tier with the same details as before. These "duplicate" tiers are not handled any differently.
  • While relevant, it is not possible to capture the effects of shipping costs (which are added on to the price of each tier) or "add-ons" (which are bonus rewards that can be received by adding on an additional amount to your pledge without changing tiers). The first could be handled if the campaign were scraped while live, using a more sophisticated JavaScript method. The second is effectively impossible to collect, as they are not an official Kickstarter feature and therefore are not integrated into the UI (and by extension, the HTML).
  • It would be possible to collect social media information by utilizing Twitter's API, but that was out of the scope of this project and would be too resource-intensive to ethically carry out except in small pieces over a more extended period of time.


The following will need to be installed on your computer to run the scripts in this project without erros:

  • Python 2.7.x
  • Scrapy 1.0.3
  • csvkit 0.9.1
  • html2text 2015.11.4

A Unix operating system will also be required to run the included bash scripts, though porting them to Windows batch would be fairly trivial.

Project Notes

This project was designed and tested in a manner that applied miminum load to both the Kicktraq and Kickstarter websites. At no point was there a danger that the scraper's requests would affect the site for other users, or cause undue strain upon company servers.


Scrapes Kickstarter for detailed project metrics






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