croncat CLI is a Node.js application that relies on near-api-js
to generate secure keys, connect to the NEAR platform and send transactions to the network on your behalf.
note that Node.js version 10+ is required to run croncat CLI
npm install -g croncat
For a list of up-to-date commands, run croncat --help
in your terminal.
Usage: croncat <command> [options]
croncat register <account_id> [payable_account_id] Add your agent to cron known agents
croncat update <account_id> [payable_account_id] Update your agent to cron known agents
croncat unregister <account_id> Account to remove from list of active agents.
croncat withdraw [account_id] Withdraw all rewards earned for this account
croncat status [account_id] Check agent status and balance for this account
croncat tasks Check tasks list
croncat triggers Check how many triggers are currently available
croncat go [account_id] Run tasks that are available, if agent is registered and has balance
croncat daemon [near_env] Generate a network specific croncat daemon service
Before running the image make sure you are logged in with near:
near login
This should create the following directory (if it doesn't exist already):
ls ~/.near-credentials
default testnet
Build the image:
yarn docker:build
Run docker in detached mode and set the agent account id:
docker run --rm -d --env AGENT_ACCOUNT_ID=your_agent.testnet -v ~/.near-credentials:/root/.near-credentials croncat
Run the cli:
docker run --rm -it croncat ./croncat-cli
Add an alias for convenience:
alias croncat="docker run --rm -it croncat ./croncat-cli"
This will allow you to run the commands as seen below.
Sometimes you want to run croncat with notifications and uptime monitoring, or configure the different settings. To do this, you need to run the following command:
cp .env.example .env
You can then configure the following:
# The account registered as an agent
# the NEAR amount to trigger a notification (example here: 1 Near)
# When balance is empty, will auto-withdraw rewards to cover signing txns, withdraws the payout account.
# Helpful if your agent gets kicked after being inactive for any reason. Will attempt to re-register and become a pending agent upon next start.
# The interval to wait between checking for tasks. Good intervals are below 60 seconds and above 10 seconds.
# Period between checking triggers, needs to be less than 10 seconds to be effective
# Period will need to be consistent with RPC rate limits to ensure query goes through
## Notify slack when events happen
# If you have an external heartbeat service that just needs a ping (GET request)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## RPC Providers
## Configure the following as CSV, in priority order, for RPC Failover
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Example: RPC_MAINNET_PROVIDERS=",http://localhost:3030"
## RPC API KEY for providers that require it
To setup an agent that has auto reboot capability, do the following steps:
# 1. create a service file via daemon command: Example for guildnet, use your desired network
croncat daemon guildnet
# 2. create the service symlink and then enable the service
sudo systemctl link ~/croncat/testnet/croncat_testnet.service
sudo systemctl enable croncat_testnet.service
# 3. reload systemctl
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
# 4. start the service
sudo systemctl start croncat_testnet.service
# 5. for accessing logs, you can use these commands, just make sure to use the right network name
journalctl -f -u croncat_testnet.service
tail -f /var/log/croncat_testnet.log
tail -f /var/log/croncat_testneterror.log
To develop, you will need to:
npm i
npm run dev
oryarn dev
For local testing: npm start
or yarn start
You can also test against other networks: NODE_ENV=production yarn start
which is the same as NODE_ENV=mainnet yarn start
To test methods, utilize local execution with the command syntax:
node bin/croncat COMMAND ARGS
node bin/croncat tasks
node bin/croncat triggers
node bin/croncat register
node bin/croncat status
node bin/croncat go
node bin/croncat withdraw
Croncat CLI is available via npm, which auto-publishes every update to master.
For deploying docker, simply do the following commands:
npm run build:cli
npm publish
npm run docker:build
docker tag croncat/agent:latest croncat/agent:1.4.1
docker push croncat/agent:latest
docker push croncat/agent:1.4.1