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Crypto Chemistry - Cosmos Snapshot


This repo provides a simple script and systemd service setup to enable uploading a cosmos-sdk based chain's blockchain data snapshot to an S3 compatible storage provider. The snapshot.service.j2 file is provided for easy integration with Ansible playbooks, but the instructions will cover how to modify this file for use without Ansible.



  • awscli is installed
  • jq is installed
  • pv is installed
  • Cosmovisor is being used, or the systemd service that controls the chain daemon is called cosmovisor.service
  • A remote S3 compatible storage account is set up

NOTE: This has only been tested using Contabo's S3 storage service at this time. Compatibility with other S3 storage providers is not guaranteed


First, clone the repo and enter it:

git clone
cd cosmos-snapshot

Move the snapshot.service.j2 file to snapshot.service:

mv snapshot.service.j2 snapshot.service

Edit the snapshot.service file and replace the variables for the intended usage:

nano snapshot.service

An example completed snapshot.service file is provided below:

Description=Snapshot Upload Service

ExecStart=/home/relyte/cosmos-snapshot/ \
            -b snapshots \
            -e "" \
            -i "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv1234567890" \
            -n kujira \
            -d kujira \
            -u "/home/relyte"


A breakdown of each variable is provided in the Available Parameters section

The ExecStart line in the example specifies the following:

  • -b snapshots - The bucket name is "snapshots"

  • -e "" - The S3 storage URL endpoint to upload to is ""

  • -i "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv1234567890" - The ID of the account that is being used for storage is "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv1234567890"

  • -n kujira - The folder name to upload to is "kujira"

  • -d kujira - The daemon folder is ".kujira". The "." is not needed. This is usually in the user's home directory (/home/user/.kujira)

  • -u /home/relyte - The user's home directory that runs the cosmovisor service is "/home/relyte"

After this, edit the desired runtime in the snapshot.timer by modifying the OnCalendar= line. The default is to run once every 24 hours at midnight system time.

Make sure the script is executable:

chmod +x

Symlink the systemd files to the systemd directory:

ln -s snapshot.service /etc/systemd/system/snapshot.service
ln -s snapshot.timer /etc/systemd/system/snapshot.timer

Enable the timer and service

sudo systemctl enable snapshot.service
sudo systemctl enable snapshot.timer

Testing the Installation

To test the setup, simply run:

sudo systemctl start snapshot.service

The results can be viewed by monitoring the service:

sudo journalctl -f -u snapshot.service

Available Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
-b,--bucket String Yes S3 Bucket name
-e,--endpoint String Yes S3 endpoint URL
-i,--id String Yes The S3 tenant ID
-n,--network String Yes The cosmos-sdk network name
-t,--net_type String No The network type (mainnet, testnet, etc.)
-d,--daemon String Yes The folder location of the daemon data
-u,--userdir String Yes The user's home directory
-s,--service String No The service name that controls the chain's deamon
-r,--rpc_port Int No The RPC Port of the snapshot node (defaults to 26657)
-p,--healthcheck None No Enable health checks (uses ${HEALTHCHECKS_URL} if -c is not specified)
-c,--healthcheck_url String No The URL to send health checks
-h,--help None No Help for the Crypto Chemistry Snapshot Uploader

Cleanup Usage

The cleanup script is currently only tested against Contabo's S3 Object Storage.

All cleanup related scripts and services can be found in the cleanup/ directory.

The script needs to be edited to provide the S3 endpoint and bucket name. Additionally, all chains need to be specified as strings in the script within the active_chains array.

This cleanup script assumes that the latest object is in each chain's snapshot folder. If this doesn't exist, the script will always leave 2 snapshots present at a time.