Run smart contracts on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) without the Ethereum blockchain.
I created this to make it a little easier to use the EVM in other projects, and for testing smart contracts.
creates a small wrapper for the ethereum virtual machine, and sets up the EVM with default parameters and the required stateDB.
This project only has two dependencies. (go-ethereum contains the EVM, and splashkeys is an ecdsa key library)
go get
go get
go get
This is Example is located in the example sub-directory:
func main() {
//make a new address evm
fromAddr = tools.NewRandomAddress()
//Load a contract from file
abiObject, binData, err := tools.LoadContract("contract/example_sol_Example.abi", "contract/example_sol_Example.bin")
fmt.Println("Abi\n", abiObject.Methods)
// create new LEVM instance
lvm := levm.New("./db", big.NewInt(0), fromAddr)
// create a new account and set the balance
// (needs enough balance to cover gas cost)
lvm.NewAccount(fromAddr, big.NewInt(1e18))
// deploy a contract
code, addr, gas, err := lvm.DeployContract(fromAddr, binData)
fmt.Println("contract code length:", len(code))
fmt.Printf("contract address: %x\n", addr)
fmt.Println("unused gas:", gas)
fmt.Println("errors:", err)
contact: [email protected] 👍
HELP WANTED would be great if you would create an issue if you find a bug.