MIT License
Copyright (c) 2019 Corey Schimpf
A tool exploring complex data from a case-based perspective.
- Base R, the open source statistical package package Get R here!
- R Studio, an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for R Get it here!
- Complex-It app. Click the Download or Clone button above and select Download as ZIP
- Install R Packages:
- shiny
- shinythemes
- shinyFiles
- SOMbrero
- cluster
- ggplot2
- rhandsontable
- zip
- Go to
- Follow the link for version that matches your operating system.
- For Windows click on the link for 'base.'
- For Mac click on the first '.pkg' link.
- Open the exe (Windows) or pkg (Mac) R installer and follow the defaults in the installation wizard.
- Go to
- Underneath the column for RStudio click the Download link.
- On the following page scroll down to Installers for Support Platforms and click on the link for your platform.
- Open the exe (Windows) or dmg (Mac) RStudio installer and follow the defaults in theinstallation wizard.
- On the same page as these directions in the upper part of the website click on the Clone or Download button and then Download ZIP
- Navigate to your download directory and copy the file to your desktop.
- On Windows right click or on Macs command + click on the ZIP file and extract it to the desktop.
- Enter the Complex-It-master folder and open the Package_setup.R file. This should open in RStudio.
- Highlight all the text in the upper left box (look for green instructions and black command-text) and press Run from the upper right corner of the window. This may take a minute or two to complete. Wait until RStudio indicates it is done.
- Return to the Complex-It-master folder and open the UI.R file. This should open in RStudio. In the upper panel, on the right side there will again be a Run button, but it will now say Run App. Click on the far right of this button and a menu will appear. Ensure that External is selected from this menu. Then press Run App Welcome to Complex-It!