Environment variables
- PROMAT_DB_URL database URL (USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/DBNAME) of the underlying promat database.
- OPENSEARCH_SERVICE_URL opensearch service url
- OPENSEARCH_PROFILE opensearch profile (optional, default is 'test')
- OPENSEARCH_AGENCY opensearch agency (optional, default is '100200')
- OPENSEARCH_REPOSITORY opensearch profile (optional, default is 'rawrepo_basis')
- WORK_PRESENTATION_PROFILE work-presentation profile (optional, default is 'test')
The service exposes a RESTful API.
To build this project JDK 11 and Apache Maven is required.
To start a local instance, docker is required.
- clean - clears build artifacts
- build - builds artifacts and runs unit and integration tests
- validate - analyzes source code and javadoc
- start - starts localhost instance
- stop - stops localhost instance
./clean && ./build && ./validate && PROMAT_DB_URL="..." ./start
Copyright Dansk Bibliotekscenter a/s. Licensed under GPLv3. See license text in LICENSE.txt