Suggester and Search webservice for læsekompas/MinNæsteBog, talks to the SolR and do a little bit of formatting of the SolR response.
mvn clean verify
Make sure to build the project with maven first
cd webservice
docker build -t laesekompas-webservice -f target/docker/Dockerfile .
When the docker image is built, you can run it with a command looking like the following. Feel free to alter environments as you see fit.
Most of the environment variables here are documented in Dockerfile
, the rest only control how much output is
written to the console, and how it is formatted.
docker run -it -e JAVA_MAX_HEAP_SIZE=1G -e LOG_FORMAT=text -e COREPO_SOLR_URL= -e LAESEKOMPAS_SOLR_URL= -e SOLR_APPID=laesekompas-solr-appId -e LOG_LEVEL=debug -p 8080:8080 laesekompas-webservice
When the docker image is up and running as described above, you can invoke a URL like the following to call
the search
endpoint - you can use your browser or curl
for this as you wish:
You can also invoke the suggest
part of the service with something like http://localhost:8080/api/suggest?query=eventy
- or
you can consult the documentation that should be available on http://localhost:8080/