- FastPat is a framework to solve kCP problem, which extracts core-based top-k frequent patterns in knowledge graphs.
- FastPat+ is a framework to solve kCPD problem, which extracts core-based top-k frequent patterns with diversity in knowledge graphs.
Java JRE v1.8.0 or later
The proposed optimizations of each algorithm (e.g., kCP-A, FPD-A) could be set in the configuration file Settings.java.
- Uncompress FastPat-KG by any compression tool
- Build Java binaries using the "build" script file
- Run FastPat/FastPat+ using "topkFreq/topkFreqDiv" script
- kCP problem
- Extract Top-10 frequent patterns in "Oscar" knowledge graph, with k = 10, core pattern is OscarTest: "./topkFreq.sh -f Oscar.lg -cf OscarTest.lg -k 10"
- kCPD problem
- Extract Top-10 frequent patterns with diversidy in "Oscar" knowledge graph, with k = 10, core pattern is OscarTest, diversity threshold \lamda = 0.3: "./topkFreqDiv.sh -f Oscar.lg -cf OscarTest.lg -k 10 -t 0.3"
v <node_id> <node_label>
v <node_id> <node_label>
e <node_id1> <node_id2> <edge_label>
e <node_id1> <node_id2> <edge_label>
In particular, it must first list all the graph nodes in ascending order of id, and then all the edges. Lines corresponding to nodes start with the letter v, while those corresponding to edges start with the letter e.
python2.7 graph_generator.py #ofNodes $degree $SizeofLabel $ProbabilityModle #GraphGenerationModel true
python2.7 graph_generator.py 1000 5 8 exp pa true
The scripts of labeled grpah gerneration (graph_generator.py) were from https://github.com/MSNTCS/graph-generator#readme, which called the Python interface from Snap.py. It is a Python interface for SNAP (Stanford Network Analysis Platform). SNAP is a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks. Additional information is available at http://snap.stanford.edu.