This is a template for creating an e-cinema (ticket office). Application is built on REST principles. You can use Postman for testing it.
Every user can register with email and password, then user can see available functions:
- get all movies
- get available movie-sessions
- add ticket to shopping cart
- get all tickets from shopping cart
- complete order
- get orders history
There are specific tools for admins only such as:
- add movies, cinema-halls, movie-sessions
- Java 11
- Maven 4.0.0
- Spring 5.2.2.RELEASE (Context, ORM, Web-MVC, Security-core)
- Hibernate 5.4.5.Final
- Jackson-databind 2.10.2
- Log4j 2.13.0
- JUnit jupiter-api 5.1.0
- Mockito 1.10.19
Open the project in your IDE as Maven project.
Configure Tomcat:
add artifact
add SKD 11.*
Add SDK 11.* in project structure.
Change a db.url, db.username and db.password in src/main/resources/ on your own properties.
Change a logPath in src/main/resources/log4j2.xml if you want logging info.
Run the project.
By default there are two users already registered with ADMIN role (username - "admin", password - "admin ") and with USER role (username - "user" and password - "user").
You can use Postman for testing it.