Genoverse v2.4
Changes since 2.3:
- Added support for BAM files
- Added data parameter for tracks, to allow preloading of features ( = [ feature1, feature2, feature3 ... ])
- Added support for assembly placeholder to track data URLs
- Added clickTolerance parameter for tracks, to allow fuzziness when clicking on a feature, to make it easier to click on small features when zoomed out
- Clicking on a region containing more than one feature displays a menu with choices of all of those features
- Added support for feature.marginTop
- Added support for partial track.featureMargin (e.g. track.featureMargin = { top: 1 }). Missing values default to 0.
- Added support for feature.clear, allowing a feature to draw a clearRect, rather than a fillRect or strokeRect
- Changed track remove icon to a trashcan (using Font Awesome), to remove confusion over the difference between closing the menu and removing the track
- Added "Focus here" links to highlight region popups
- Added util/createGenome.js, to make genome files using the Ensembl REST API and nodejs
- Updated jQuery to 3.1.0, and jQuery.ui to 1.12.0
- Many bug fixes