An open source typescript SDK, compatible with node and browser, with an easy interface to automate responses from webhooks, subscribed on-chain events and intervals through triggered callback functions and the use of Lit Protocol PKPs.
The LitListenerSDK is designed around the principle of conditionally pre-approved chain reactions with account abstraction.
Check out the documentation for in depth implementation details.
To install the SDK run:
npm i lit-listener-sdk
import { ethers, BigNumber } from "ethers";
import { Circuit } from "lit-listener-sdk";
const chronicleProvider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("", 175177);
const chronicleSigner = new ethers.Wallet(YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY, chronicleProvider);
const quickStartCircuit = new Circuit(chronicleSigner);
new ContractCondition(
"0x6968105460f67c3bf751be7c15f92f5286fd0ce5", // contract address
"anonymous": false,
"inputs": [
"indexed": true,
"internalType": "address",
"name": "to",
"type": "address"
"indexed": false,
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "value",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "Transfer",
"type": "event"
], // abi
"Transfer", // event name
CHAIN_NAME.polygon, // chainId
"https://your_provider_url_for_this_network", // provider URL
["to", "value"], // event name args
BigNumber.from("500000")], // expected value
"===", // match operator
async () => { console.log("Matched!"); }, // onMatched function
async () => { console.log("Unmatched!"); }, // onUnMatched function
(error: Error) => { console.log("Error:", error); } // onError function,
), ]);
const {unsignedTransactionDataObject, litActionCode} = await quickStartCircuit.setActions([{
type: "contract",
priority: 2,
contractAddress: "0x6968105460f67c3bf751be7c15f92f5286fd0ce5",
abi: [
constant: true,
inputs: [{ name: "numberValue", type: "uint256" }],
name: "your_function_name",
outputs: [{ name: "", type: "uint256" }],
payable: false,
stateMutability: "external",
type: "function",
functionName: "your_function_name",
chainId: "polygon",
nonce: 1,
gasLimit: 100000,
value: 0,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: 1000,
maxFeePerGas: 10000,
args: [20],
// Assuming you have already uploaded the Lit Action Code to IPFS and just need to retrive the hash
const ipfsCID = await quickStartCircuit.getIPFSHash(litActionCode);
const { publicKey, tokenId, address } = await quickStartCircuit.mintGrantBurnPKP(ipfsCID);
await quickStartCircuit.start({publicKey, ipfsCID});
Check out a no code implementation of the SDK live here.
By using this project or its source code, for any purpose and in any shape or form, you grant your implicit agreement to all the following statements:
- You condemn Russia and its military aggression against Ukraine
- You recognize that Russia is an occupant that unlawfully invaded a sovereign state
- You support Ukraine's territorial integrity, including its claims over temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas
- You reject false narratives perpetuated by Russian state propaganda
- To learn more about the war and how you can help, click here. Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦