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Wheatwizard edited this page Jun 29, 2017 · 2 revisions

Brain-Flak has the useful feature of debug flags, which can be enabled by running then interpreter with -d or --debug.
This page provides info on said debug flags, which can also be found by running Brain-Flak with the -H option. All debug flags in code must be preceded with an @ sign.

Flag Action
ac Print the current stack as ASCII characters.
al Print the left stack as ASCII characters.
av Print the current value of the scope as an ASCII character.
ar Print the right stack as ASCII characters.
cy Print the number of elapsed execution cycles.
dc Print the current stack in decimal.
dh Print the height of the current stack.
dl Print the left stack in decimal.
dv Print the current value of the scope as decimal.
dr Print the right stack in decimal.
ex Terminate execution.
ij Pause execution and prompt for code to be run at the flag position.
lt When passed with a number (e.g @lt6), evaluates to that number.
pu Pause until the return key is hit.

Page prepared by @ckjbgames

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