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Step 2 Creating a uniform forest

Zoltan edited this page Nov 15, 2023 · 10 revisions

Step 2 - Creating a uniform forest

After creating a cmesh in the step 1 example, we will now build our first forest mesh.

You will find the code to this example in tutorials/general/step2_uniform_forest.cxx and it creates the executable tutorials/general/step2_uniform_forest.

As we discussed in step 1 the forest mesh is the actual AMR mesh on which an application will operate.

In this example we create a basic forest as a uniformly refined cmesh. That means that each tree in a given coarse mesh is refined to the same refinement level.

This is usually the first step in creating a forest and the forest can then later be adapted to any given criterion (see step 3).

From cmesh (left, two prisms) to uniform forest (right, refinement level 3).

The ingredients

To build a uniform forest, we need 3 ingredients:

  1. A t8_cmesh_t coarse mesh that provides the description of our domain. In this example we will choose a cube consisting of 2 prisms:
t8_cmesh_t cmesh = t8_cmesh_new_hypercube (T8_ECLASS_PRISM, comm, 0, 0, 0);
  1. A t8_scheme_cxx_t refinement scheme. The scheme holds all information on how to modify our elements. That is for example, how to refine elements, how to find neighbor elements and how to compute the space-filling curve index of an element. We provide a default implementation in t8_schemes/t8_default_cxx.hxx which implements the Morton Space-filling curves for all elements. To obtain the default scheme, we call
t8_scheme_cxx_t *scheme = t8_scheme_new_default_cxx ();
  1. The initial refinement level. An integer that specifies how many levels each tree in the cmesh should get refined.
int level = 3

Building the forest

We can now construct the forest with a call to t8_forest_new_uniform:

  forest = t8_forest_new_uniform (cmesh, scheme, level, 0, comm);

This will create a level 3 uniform forest with the default refinement scheme on the cube geometry with 2 prism trees. This forest will be partitioned among the processes in comm such that each process has the same number of elements (+- 1).

The 4th parameter (0) is a flag that specifies whether or not Ghost elements across the faces should be created. See step 4 for more details on ghost elements.

Since in the default scheme a prism refines into 8 subprisms, the resulting level 3 mesh has

 2 * 8^3 = 1024


Getting the number of elements

In t8_forest.h you find various functions to gather information about our forest.

We now want to get the global number of elements (1024) and the number of process local elements (depends on the number of processes, ca. 1024/#ranks) and print them.

To do this we use the two function calls:

  t8_locidx_t local_num_elements = t8_forest_get_num_element (forest);
  t8_gloidx_t global_num_elements = t8_forest_get_global_num_elements (forest);

which we then print with:

  t8_global_productionf (" [step2] Local number of elements:\t\t%i\n", local_num_elements);
  t8_global_productionf (" [step2] Global number of elements:\t%li\n", global_num_elements);

Note that due to using t8_global_productionf opposed to t8_productionf only rank 0 will print its local number of elements.

If you use t8_productionf instead, you can compare the local element numbers for different processes.

Writing the forest to .vtu

To output our forest to .vtu files we simply call

  t8_forest_write_vtk (forest, prefix);

which will create the file prefix.pvtu and for each MPI rank a file prefix_MPIRANK.vtu.

In our example prefix = t8_step2_uniform_forest and when you open the t8_step2_uniform_forest.pvtu file in ParaView you should be able to see this:

Left: The uniform level 3 forest on 5 MPI ranks. The colors correspond to different MPI ranks.

Right: The same forest, but now the colors correspond to the trees. You can see the structure of the coarse mesh with its 2 prisms here.

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