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Installing dsc datatool in CentOS8

Jerry Lundström edited this page Aug 3, 2020 · 4 revisions

This wiki is out-of-date

dsc-datatool packages for EPEL8 exists now, see

I have build dsc-datatool in CentOS8 using the following instructions, and gave me a positive result in using dsc-datatool:

sudo dnf install perl-XML-Simple \
perl-YAML \
perl-NetAddr-IP  \
perl-App-cpanminus \
perl-Module-Find \

Found that not all dependencies comes with the packages (perhaps there are, but I didn't search for them further):
sudo cpanm --notest IP::Authority IP::Country::Fast common::sense YAML::Tiny XML::LibXML::Simple

Now create the package and install them (the -I option didn't work for me, so I installed the App:DSC modules):

perl Makefile.PL
sudo make install