This repo contains a Logging extension that when used with the Steeltoe Management Logger Endpoint enables changing the Logging levels for a running application dynamically using the Pivotal Apps manager console.
This logger is simply a wrapper around the Microsoft Console logger, but enables querying and dynamically changing the logging levels of all the currently active loggers.
Like the ASP.NET Core Logging providers, these providers are intended to support both .NET 4.6+ and .NET Core (CoreCLR/CoreFX) run-times. The providers are built and unit tested on Windows, Linux and OSX.
While the primary usage of the providers is intended to be with ASP.NET Core applications, they should also work fine with UWP, Console and ASP.NET 4.x apps.
Currently all of the code and samples have been tested on .NET Core 1.1, .NET 4.6.x, and on ASP.NET Core 1.1.0.
See the Steeltoe documentation for information on how to use these components in your applications.
All new configuration provider development is done on the dev branch. More stable versions of the providers can be found on the master branch. The latest prebuilt packages from each branch can be found on one of two MyGet feeds. Released version can be found on
To build and run the unit tests:
- .NET Core SDK
To build the packages on windows:
- git clone ...
- cd clone directory
- Install .NET Core SDK
- dotnet restore src
- cd src<project> (e.g. cd src\Steeltoe.Extensions.Logging.CloudFoundry)
- dotnet pack --configuration Release or Debug
The resulting artifacts can be found in the bin folder under the corresponding project. (e.g. src\Steeltoe.Extensions.Logging.CloudFoundry\bin
To run the unit tests:
- git clone ...
- cd clone directory
- Install .NET Core SDK
- dotnet restore test
- cd test<test project> (e.g. cd test\Steeltoe.Extensions.Logging.CloudFoundry.Test)
- dotnet xunit -verbose
To build the packages on Linux/OSX:
- git clone ...
- cd clone directory
- Install .NET Core SDK
- dotnet restore src
- cd src/{project} (e.g.. cd src/Steeltoe.Extensions.Logging.CloudFoundry)
- dotnet pack --configuration Release or Debug
The resulting artifacts can be found in the bin folder under the corresponding project. (e.g. src/Steeltoe.Extensions.Logging.CloudFoundry/bin
To run the unit tests:
- git clone ...
- cd clone directory
- Install .NET Core SDK
- dotnet restore test
- cd test<test project> (e.g. cd test/Steeltoe.Extensions.Logging.CloudFoundry.Test)
- dotnet xunit -verbose -framework netcoreapp2.0
See the Samples repo for examples of how to use these packages.