- kubectl apply -f pod.yaml (creates the pod in default namespace and run container in pod with image from spec)
- kubectl port-forward express-app-pod 3000:3000 (forwad ports from host to container)
- minikube start/stop (start/stop local minikube cluster)
- minikube node list (list the nodes in our cluster)
- kubectl get pods -A (gives the list of running pods in our cluster in all the namespace)
- kubectl get pods -n kube-system (gives the list of pods in given namespace,-w to watch changes)
- kubectl delete pods {podname} -n {namespace} (deletes the given pod)
- kubectl logs {podname} -n {namespace} (to see logs within container of pod, if pod has multiple container use -c flag to specify container name)
- kubectl describe pod {podname} -n {namespace} (describe stats of given pod)
- kubectl get events -n {namespace} (gives list of events happening behind the scene)
- kubectl explain {resourceName} (explain about kubernetes resource and its manifest file)
- kubectl create namespace {newNameSpace} (creates the namespace)
- kubectl get namespace (list the available namespace)
- kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=my-app (set the context to given namespace)
- kubectl config current-context (gives name of current context)
- kubectl run my-nginx-pod --image=nginx (creates new pod with the container spawn from the given image)
- kubectl port-forward my-nginx-pod 8080:80 (forwards the port from localhost to port entry inside container running on given pod)
- kubectl create -f pod.yaml (create the resource from given manifest yaml file, it will throw an error if resource already exits)
- kubectl apply -f pod.yaml (create or update the resource from given manifest yaml file, it will update resource if resource already exits)
- kubectl edit pod {podname} (allows you to change/update config from command line)