Predict facial landmarks with Deep CNNs powered by Caffe.
This project is a reimplementation of the paper from CUHK, Y. Sun, X. Wang, and X. Tang. Deep Convolutional Network Cascade for Facial Point Detection. CVPR 2013.
All training data can be downloaded from here.
Download the images and extract to dataset
with train
and test
under dataset
to change to training datasets.
This will first generate prototxt files for caffe models and convert training data(images and landmarks) into h5 files. Then We will train the level-1 CNNs and use the result to generate training data for level-2. And for level-2 and level-3 goes the same way.
I strongly suggest you to train every CNN seperately. It's every important to view the loss at first to see if it is stable, if not, stop the training and restart.
I have modified Caffe source code to log the test loss over every test, and I write
to plot the loss, all log file are under log
so as plot. If the loss plot is unusual, retraining the CNN model is needed.
All model files are under model
, we can modify *.template
file to change the caffe network structure for every level.
I have created a web page to test the project, all code are under webapp
- Caffe
- Deep Convolutional Network Cascade for Facial Point Detection
- Y. Sun, X. Wang, and X. Tang. Deep Convolutional Network Cascade for Facial Point Detection. CVPR 2013.