Python package, C++ source and build files for parametric plasma source for use in fusion neutron transport calculations with OpenMC.
The plasma source is based on a paper by C. Fausser et al
pip install parametric_plasma_source
Installation of the parametric plasma source from source requires cmake to
build the underlying C++ code. This can be obtained from your OS's package
manager by e.g. sudo apt-get install cmake
or from cmake source.
If you intend to develop the code then it is recommended to work in a virtual environment.
The requirements for developing the code can be installed by running:
pip install -r requirements-develop.txt
The package can be built and installed in editable mode by:
pip install -e .
Compiling of the parametric plasma source from source is another method of using the software.
First clone the openmc repository into your home directory
cd ~
git clone
Then clone the parametric plasma source repository
git clone
Then create a build folder and compile from the folder. This assumes that
openmc repository was cloned into your home directory /opt/openmc
cd parametric-plasma-source
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DOPENMC_DIR=/opt/openmc
This final make
command will create a
file that
can then be used.
The parametric plasma source can be sampled either directly in Python 3, sampled in an OpenMC simulation, or sampled using OpenMC via a standalone executable without simulation.
For a better understanding of the varibles take a look at the C. Fausser et al paper.
The parametric plasma source can be imported an used in Python 3 in the following manner:
from parametric_plasma_source import PlasmaSource
from random import random
plasma_params = {
"elongation": 1.557,
"ion_density_origin": 1.09e20,
"ion_density_peaking_factor": 1,
"ion_density_pedestal": 1.09e20,
"ion_density_separatrix": 3e19,
"ion_temperature_origin": 45.9,
"ion_temperature_peaking_factor": 8.06,
"ion_temperature_pedestal": 6.09,
"ion_temperature_separatrix": 0.1,
"major_radius": 9.06,
"minor_radius": 2.92258,
"pedestal_radius": 0.8 * 2.92258,
"plasma_id": 1,
"shafranov_shift": 0.44789,
"triangularity": 0.270,
"ion_temperature_beta": 6,
my_plasma = PlasmaSource(**plasma_params)
sample = my_plasma.sample([random(), random(), random(), random(), random(), random(), random(), random()])
particle_x, particle_y, particle_z = sample[0], sample[1], sample[2]
particle_x_dir, particle_y_dir, particle_z_dir = sample[3], sample[4], sample[5]
particle_energy_mev = sample[6]
The parametric plasma source also contains a plugin library for OpenMC to allow the source to be sampled in an OpenMC simulation.
When using the OpenMC sampling the inputs must be provided in meters where applicable (the sampling will convert to cm).
from parametric_plasma_source import PlasmaSource, SOURCE_SAMPLING_PATH
import openmc
plasma_params = {
"elongation": 1.557,
"ion_density_origin": 1.09e20,
"ion_density_peaking_factor": 1,
"ion_density_pedestal": 1.09e20,
"ion_density_separatrix": 3e19,
"ion_temperature_origin": 45.9,
"ion_temperature_peaking_factor": 8.06,
"ion_temperature_pedestal": 6.09,
"ion_temperature_separatrix": 0.1,
"major_radius": 9.06,
"minor_radius": 2.92258,
"pedestal_radius": 0.8 * 2.92258,
"plasma_id": 1,
"shafranov_shift": 0.44789,
"triangularity": 0.270,
"ion_temperature_beta": 6,
my_plasma = PlasmaSource(**plasma_params)
settings = openmc.Settings()
settings.run_mode = "fixed source"
settings.batches = 10
settings.particles = 1000
source = openmc.Source()
source.library = SOURCE_SAMPLING_PATH
source.parameters = str(my_plasma)
settings.source = source
It is also possible to generate a source outside of OpenMC by creating the
executable by running cmake -H. -Bbuild
and then
cmake --build build
or cmake --build build --target source_generator
. The
can then be run as below:
source_generator [OPTIONS]
-l,--library Source library, mandatory
-n,--particles Number of particles, default 1000
-o,--output Output directory, default {current directory}
-v,--verbosity Verbosity, default 5
This will use OpenMC commands to sample the source generated using the
specified library with the specified number of particles and output the
resulting initial_source.h5
file in the requested output directory. The
can then be analysed to check the properties of the source
being generated.
The tests are run by executing pytest tests
from within your virtual environment.
A C API is provided for linking of the plasma source routine to Fortran. This is particularly useful for compilation with MCNP. To compile a static library and a test program a build script is provided in the parametric-plasma-source/fortran_api
folder. This can be run in the following manner:
cd parametric-plasma-source/parametric_plasma_source/fortran_api
./ intel
for use with intel ifort and icpc compilers or
cd parametric-plasma-source/parametric_plasma_source/fortran_api
./ gnu
for use with the gnu gfortran and g++ compilers.
In order to use the library with MCNPv6.2 the plasma_source_module.F90
and mcnp_pp.F90
should be placed in the MCNP src
folder. The source.F90
provided with MCNP should then be modified to:
subroutine source
! .. Use Statements ..
use mcnp_interfaces_mod, only : expirx
use mcnp_debug
use pp_source_mk2_mod
implicit none
call parametric_plasma_2
end subroutine source
The MCNP Makefile should also be updated to point to the library during linking. This can be done by adding the first line and modifying the second line in the Makefile:
PPLIB = -lplasmasource -L$(PLASMA_SOURCE)
When compiling MCNP the PLASMA_SOURCE variable then needs to be set to the folder containing libplasmasource.a
. An example of the compliation line would be:
make build CONFIG='intel openmpi omp plot' PLASMA_SOURCE=/plasma/source/dir/
The source parameters are passed using the rdum and idum cards in the mcnp input file
ion_density_pedistal = rdum(1)
ion_density_seperatrix = rdum(2)
ion_density_origin = rdum(3)
ion_temperature_pedistal = rdum(4)
ion_temperature_seperatrix = rdum(5)
ion_temperature_origin = rdum(6)
ion_density_peaking_factor = rdum(7)
ion_temperature_peaking_factor = rdum(8)
ion_temperature_beta = rdum(9)
minor_radius = rdum(10)
major_radius = rdum(11)
pedistal_radius = rdum(12)
elongation = rdum(13)
triangularity = rdum(14)
min_toroidal_angle = rdum(15)
max_toroidal_angle = rdum(16)
number_of_bins = idum(2)
plasma_id = idum(3)
Note that idum(1) is intentionally left unused. This can be used for source selection if multiple user defined sources are to be compiled in the same executable.
The tests are run by executing pytest tests
from within your virtual