Shariff enables website users to share their favorite content without compromising their privacy.
Facebook, Google+ and Twitter supply official sharing code snippets which quietly siphon personal data from all page visitors. Shariff enables visitors to see how popular your page is on Facebook and share your content with others without needless data leaks.
Shariff (/ˈʃɛɹɪf/)
is an open-source, low-maintenance, high-privacy solution, originally maintained by German computer magazine c't and heise online.
Shariff consists of two parts: a simple JavaScript client library and an optional server-side component. The latter fetches the number of likes, tweets and plus-ones. Share buttons and share counts work without a connection between your visitors' browsers and social networks (unless they decide to share, of course).
Licensed under the MIT License (MIT)
This Software includes the Font-Awsome Webfont.
Font Awesome 4.3.0 by @davegandy - - @fontawesome
License - (Font: SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT License)
Edit in the module´s config.yml
Option | Description | Default |
count |
Enables the count feature. | false |
fontawesome |
If Font-Awesome 4.3.0 should be added | true |
theme |
Two color shemes are included, standard or white . If set to custom the Shariff |
standard |
orientation |
vertical will stack the buttons vertically. |
horizontal |
client |
Client JavaScript configuration. | (see below) |
services |
An array of service names to be enabled. | (all enabled) |
extra |
An array of extra buttons names to be enabled. Same as services , but without a server callback. |
(all enabled) |
server |
Server backend configuration. | (see below) |
Individual service and extra button settings.
Option | Description |
name |
The service name. For services the name will be matched against available services: AddThis , Facebook , Flattr , GooglePlus , LinkedIn , Pinterest , Reddit , StumbleUpon , Twitter , Xing |
title |
The button´s title text. |
text |
The button text. |
icon |
If set an icon will be prepended the this CSS class. By default this is used with Font-Awesome. |
url |
The service´s base url. The the client param settings to contruct the query string. |
Javascript specifig settings.
Option | Description | Default |
url |
The canonical (share) URL of the page to check. | null : page's canonical URL or og:url or current URL |
referrer |
A string that will be appended to the share url. Can be disabled using null . |
null |
params |
Query parameter for the services and extra buttons that will be appended to OR replaced the share url. The Token pattern below are available for automatic replacement. |
(not set) |
For Client parameters.
Token | Replaced with |
{{URL}} |
the current url or the defined client url |
{{NAME}} |
the og:site_name meta OR the base URL |
{{TITLE}} |
the og:title meta OR content of title |
{{SHARE}} |
the share-text, a combination of og:title and og:site_name OR the content of title |
{{TEXT}} |
the og:description OR descrition meta |
{{IMAGE}} |
og:image, if available |
Server specific setup.
Option | Description | Default |
domain |
Domain for which share counts may be requested | null : The Website´s domain name. |
guzzle |
Individual Guzzle Client configuration. | (not set) |
services | Each available Service can have a extra variables. Currently available are facebook (app_id , secret ) for facebook tracking and googleplus (dev_key ) to use this software with your own developer key. |
(not set) |