v1.21as PHP-Script (C) 2003,2004,2020 by =TSAF=Muschel (updated by Dateranoth) and released under GNU-GPL
v1.0 N4IDMod (C) 2020 by Dateranoth, .Twi and released under GNU-GPL v3
Powered by N4URLPost - Copyright 2003,2004 =TSAF=Muschel and Neo4E656F
This has been modified to add a new mod (N4IDMod) that will allow each server to hold a list of unique users and passwords. This allows the orginal N4Admin Mod to properly save stats to a unique user along with their nicknames. The mod will automatically generate a user ID and password if none exists for the client. Changes were also made to remove the links to the dead ubi stats servers, and basic updates to allow th is to work with PHP 7.0+
Note from Repository Owner: I am hosting this here because I am not sure how much longer the game will be around but the resources for RavenShield are definitely dwindeling so finding cool stuff like the N4Admin/Stats PHP project are becoming more difficult. If the original authors of these files want this repo taken down just send me an email. admin at ericnkatz.com