PokeInfo App, la aplicación de pokemon.
The PoKemon web and mobile app that allows you to check information of a certain pokemon using React, React Native and the PokeAPI
At the moment several changes are being made to this project but the main features already proposed are as they follow:
- Search by pokemon type (and pokemon name).
- Search ability by name and obtain results.
- Search move by name and show the results.
- List panels of search result for each one of the previous results.
Feel free to make your own suggestion. In the next segment you will find out how you can do just that.
To check the current work of this project you can head to the Issues Panel on the GitHub repository where you can check the stuff that is being worked on as of that moment or you can add new issues if you discover a bug or want a new feature that you believe it could be great to implement.
Take into account that as of right now there's only one person creating this whole thing and mantaining it so don't be crazy with your suggestions or don't expect them to be solved fast.
This project is licensed under the MIT license and so it is as it is and the author has no responsibility over it.