I work as platform engineer for sciebo, which is a sync and share solution for public institues of higher education in the state of North Rhine Westphalia, Germany.
As part of this I am glad to be part of the very excellent CS3 Community, where providers, developers and users of cloud storage and sync and share systems gather.
My bubble here consists of people running a stack of ownCloud/Nextcloud with some collaborative software like OnlyOffice/Collabora at state or national scale.
I have a small series on Kubernetes, on my blog, which is a bit more high level than most introductions and gives you an overview over what kubernetes itself does and the components you might need to integrate into your cluster to get it production grade.
- Introduction to kubernetes pt. 1
- Introduction to kubernetes pt. 2: Ingress networking
- Introduction to kubernetes pt. 3: Storage
- Introduction to kubernetes pt. 4: Monitoring
- Kubernetes - some practices
Feel free to use my github issues to make suggestions, wish for topics or ask questions, in particularly on the more technical topics.