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A Skript Addon to interface with the Telegram Bot API.

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A Skript Addon that allows users to create fully functional Telegram Bots.


An in-depth tutorial written by me can be found on SkriptHub: Follow the tutorial to understand the basics of creating a telegram bot.




Telegram Bot Login

telegram login to bot %string% with token %string%

Create a session and authenticate to a telegram bot, given its username and its token.

Telegram Bot Login
        on load:
            telegram login to bot "SkriptItaly_bot" with token "SECRET"

Clear all telegram sessions

(clear|stop) all telegram sessions

Close all the telegram sessions that are active. Stops any running bot. You should use this in case you get an api error 409 saying multiple instances are running a single bot. Please note that closing a session may take up to 50 seconds, as it is delayed by the Telegram API itself.

Clear Specific Telegram Session

(clear|stop) telegram session of bot %string%

Closes the telegram session of a specific bot. Please note that closing a session may take up to 50 seconds, as it is delayed by the Telegram API itself.

Send telegram message

send telegram message %string/telegrammessage% [with markdown] to %telegramuser/telegramchat/number% [with bot %string%]

Send a telegram message. The message can be a string or can be an existing message. The target chat ID can be used to specify the destination of the message. If used inside of a Telegram Event, the bot to use is automatically detected. To use it outside of a Telegram Event, specify the username of the bot. If a session exists for that bot, the message will be sent.

Telegram Echo Bot
        on telegram message:
            set {_mess} to event-telegram message #save received message in a variable
            send telegram message {_mess} to event-telegram user #echo their message
            send telegram message "*bold*" with markdown to event-telegram user #send message with markdown

Delete telegram Message

delete telegram message %telegrammessage% [with bot %string%]

Delete a telegram message sent by the bot. If in a private chat, it can also delete messages from the other user.

Telegram Delete Message
        on telegram message:
            send telegram message "This message will autodelete!" to event-telegram user
            set {_last} to last sent telegram message
            wait 5 seconds
            delete telegram message {_last}

Reply to telegram message

reply to telegram message %telegrammessage% with %telegrammessage/string% [with markdown] [with bot %-string%]

Send a telegram message, as a reply to another message. The reply message can be a string or can be an existing message. If used inside of a Telegram Event, the bot to use is automatically detected. To use it outside of a Telegram Event, specify the username of the bot. If a session exists for that bot, the message will be sent.

Telegram Reply to Message
        on telegram message:
            set {_mess} to event-telegram message #save received message in a variable
            reply to telegram message {_mess} with "This message has been sent as a reply! Yay!" #

Edit telegram message

edit telegram message %telegrammessage% to %telegrammessage/string% [with markdown] [with bot %string%]

Edit an existing, sent telegram message to a new one or to a string.

Telegram Edit Message
on telegram message:
	reply to telegram message event-telegram message with "Welcome!"
	set {_mess} to last sent message
	wait 5 seconds
	edit telegram message {_mess} to "5 second have passed! Wow!"

Copy telegram message

copy telegram message %telegrammessage% to %telegramuser/telegramchat/number% [with bot %string%]

Copy an existing telegram message, and send it to a user. This is useful for storing messages sent by the bot, eg. media or other. A copied message will not have "forwarded from" to its top.

Telegram Anonymous Report System
on telegram message:
	if text of event-telegram message contains "/report":
        reply to telegram message event-telegram message with "This message has been forwarded anonymously to the admins."
        copy telegram message event-telegram message to {@numeric_admin_id}

Forward telegram message

forward telegram message %telegrammessage% to %telegramuser/telegramchat/number% [with bot %string%]

Forward an existing telegram message, and send it to a user. The final message will have information about who sent it in the first place. It will show "forwarded from" to its top.

Telegram Report System
on telegram message:
	if text of event-telegram message contains "/report":
        reply to telegram message event-telegram message with "This message has been forwarded to the admins."
        forward telegram message event-telegram message to {@numeric_admin_id}

Answer to callback query

answer to callback query %callbackquery% with %string% [with popup]

Show a little notification to a user after they pressed a button. This will also complete a button press, removing the little clock that shows on the button when it gets pressed. Adding "with popup" will show the callback query answer in a popup window, and the user will have to press OK to hide it.

Telegram Secret Code
    on callback query with data "secret_code":
        delete telegram message message of event-callback query
        set {_code} to a random integer between 1000 and 9999
        answer to callback query event-callback query with "Your secret code is %nl%%{_code}%!" with popup


Telegram Message

event-telegram message
telegram message

This type holds all the information about a message. You can either get this object in a telegram event (event-telegram message) or by creating a new one (new telegram message with text %string%)

Telegram ID Retriever bot
    on telegram message:
        send telegram message "%id of sender of event-telegram message%" to sender of event-telegram message

Telegram Chat

event-telegram chat
telegram chat

This type holds all the information about a telegram chat.


type of %telegramchat%
id of %telegramchat%
Telegram Chat Type
    on telegram message:
        send "Received a message from a chat type %type of chat of event-telegram message%." to console

Telegram User

event-telegram user
telegram user

This type represents a Telegram User.


id of %telegramuser%
Send Telegram Message via ID
    on load:
        send telegram message "Someone reloaded the skript!" to {@saved_user} with bot "{@username}"

Telegram Inline Keyboard

inline keyboard

This type represents a Telegram Inline Keyboard. A keyboard is a matrix of buttons (double list). You can access the rows of the keyboard with the row expression.


1st row of keyboard %inlinekeyboard%
inline keyboard of %telegrammessage%
Remove Inline Keyboard of Message
    on telegram message:
        if inline keyboard of event-telegram message is set:
            set {_mess} to event-telegram message
            delete inline keyboard of {_mess}
            edit telegram message event-telegram message to {_mess}

Telegram Inline Button

inline button

This type represents a Telegram Inline Button. You can't add simply the button to a message, but you need first to add it into a keyboard. You can then add the keyboard to the message. (Otherwise, how would Telegram know which position the button would have to be?)

Of a button, you can define its text (the displayed button itself) and its action. If you set its URL, it will open automatically a link when clicked. If you set its callback data, you can specify the data that is sent to the bot when clicked. You can listen to such data with the EvtCallbackQuery


text of %inlinebutton%
callback data of %inlinebutton%
url of %inlinebutton%
Send Message with Buttons
    on telegram message:
        set {_mess} to a new telegram message with text "message content"
        set {_linkbutton1} to a new inline button with text "link button" with url ""
        set {_linkbutton2} to a new inline button with text "link button 2" with url ""
        set {_databutton} to a new inline button with text "data button" with callback data "button_clicked"
        #the callback data will be listened in a on callback query event.
        set {_kb} to a new inline keyboard with buttons {_linkbutton1} and {_linkbutton2}
        set 2nd line of keyboard {_kb} to {_databutton}
        set inline keyboard of {_mess} to {_kb}
        send telegram message {_mess} to event-telegram user

    on callback query "button_clicked":
        send message "Someone clicked on the data button! We can do stuff down here!" to all players

Telegram Callback Query

callback query

This type represents a Callback Query. A callback query is what the bot receives when an inline button is pressed. You can see for example the callback data of the button with callback data of %callbackquery%


event-callback query

Telegram Bot

%telegram bot%
telegram bot

This type represents a telegram bot. It holds information about the bot that fired a spefific event. You can view its username (to check if the bot is the one you're creating in skript) with "%username of event-telegram bot%" or with "%event-telegram bot%" Since Telegram Events are fired by all bots ran on a server, you should always filter that the received event is fired by the bot you're programming.


event-telegram bot


Telegram Message Event

on telegram message [event]

Fires whenever a message (or command) is received. You can access the received message with event-telegram message

Send Telegram Messages in Minecraft Chat
	on telegram message:
        set {_mess} to event-telegram message
        send "&7[&9TG&7] &b%sender of {_mess}%&8: &7%text of {_mess}%" to all players

Telegram CallbackQuery Event

on [telegram] callback query [[with data] %string%]

Fires whenever a button with a callback data is fired. You can specify for which data to listen or leave it blank to listen for any button press.

Notify all players of a button press
	on callback query with data "button":
        send message "%event-telegram user% has clicked on a button!" to all players


New Telegram Message

new telegram message with text %string%

Returns a new empty telegram message. You can use other expressions to change its properties, such as text, keyboard, etc. You may use this outside of a Telegram Event, but in order to send it you'll have to specify bot you are using.

Send Custom Message
	on telegram message:
        set {_mess} to a new telegram message with text "Hey!"
        send {_mess} to sender of event-telegram message

Last Telegram Sent Message

[the] last sent telegram message [with bot %string%]

Returns the last sent message. Use this exclusively and immediately after sending a message.

Edit Sent Message
	on telegram message:
        reply to telegram message event-telegram message with "Welcome!"
        set {_mess} to last sent message
        wait 5 seconds
        edit telegram message {_mess} to "5 second have passed! Wow!"

Telegram Chat of Message

chat of %telegrammessage%

Returns a Telegram Chat type. The chat in which a message has been sent. Can not be set.

Telegram Text of Message

text of %telegrammessage%

Returns the text of a telegram message. Can be changed to edit the message.

Telegram Console via Skript
on telegram message:
    if "%id of sender of event-telegram message%" is "{@admin_id}": #only execute commands from an admin id!
        make console execute text of event-telegram message

Telegram Id

id of %telegrammessage%
id of %telegramuser%
id of %telegramchat%

Returns the Numeric ID of a telegram object. Each user has an unique ID. The ID of a chat is identic to a user ID if it's its private chat with the bot. (It is different if it's a group or supergroup etc.). Each message has an unique ID inside of a chat. Can't be set.

Chat Type

type of %telegramchat%

Returns the type of a telegram chat. It can be "PRIVATE", "BOT", "GROUP", "SUPERGROUP" or "CHANNEL". Can't be set.

Callback Data of InlineButton

callback data of %inlinebutton%

The callback data of an Inline Button. This is the text that is sent to the bot on a button press, and it can be listened for with the On Callback Query event.

Callback Data of CallbackQuery

callback data of %callbackquery%

The callback data of a Callback Query. You can use this to check what telegram button was pressed, based on the callback data you had set.

Text of InlineButton

text of %inlinebutton%

The Displayed text of an Inline Button. This is the actual message a button has in the chat.

Url of InlineButton

url of %inlinebutton%

The URL of an Inline Button. Note that a button can't have both a callback data and an URL. The link will be opened on button press.

Row of InlineKeyboard

[the] %number%(st|nd|rd|th) row of [the] [inline] keyboard %inlinekeyboard%

The row of an existing InlineKeyboard. You can add, remove, set and clear rows. Setting a row that doesn't exist on the keyboard will simply append it to the bottom.

Telegram InlineKeyboard of Message

inline keyboard of %telegrammessage%

The Inline Keyboard of a Telegram Message. You can use this to add a keyboard to existing messages, before sending them.

Telegram Sender of Message

sender of %telegrammessage%

The sender of a Telegram Message.

Telegram Username of User / Chat / Bot

username of %telegramuser/telegramchat/telegrambot%

The username (mention) of a telegram user, a chat, or a bot. The username is returned without the @. If no username is set, null is returned.

Telegram Full Name of User / Chat

full name of %telegramuser/telegramchat%

The full name of a Telegram User or, if a Chat, the title of the chat.

Telegram Language Code of User

language [code] of %telegramuser%

The language code (IT, EN, FR ... ) of a telegram user, as set in the settings by them.

Telegram Replied Message

replied message of %telegrammessage%

Returns a Message object containing another message, the one that the original was in reply to. Cannot be set (to send messages as a reply, use the proper effect)


How to get a Bot Token?

You can create a new bot (and get a bot token) by talking with @BotFather on telegram. Simply start that bot, follow the steps to create and customize the bot, and then copy the token from the long message you will get!

The server takes a long time to reload!

When the Addon is disabled (on a reload or a restart), all of the active telegram sessions are stopped. Because of how telegram works, stopping a session can take up to 50 seconds. The best practice for this is to stop the server (instead of reloading it), but you can't do much about it.

Stopping a session takes a long time!

Stopping a session takes up to 50 seconds. When you execute the effect "clear all telegram sessions" it will try to stop all of them and wait for a confirmation from the API, which is delayed by about 50 seconds.

The console is getting spammed from an API error 409!

As the error says, it's because you are running multiple instances of the bot. Make sure that you are not using the same token on different skripts that control the bot. If the error persists, run the effect "clear all telegram sessions" and wait for it to be finished. (To know when its finished add a broadcast right after the effect)


A Skript Addon to interface with the Telegram Bot API.






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