As we know, there have been a ton of NES emulator implementations in various kinds of languages (mostly C). All of these emulators come with different accuracy and portability. RuNES is an attempt to build a reasonably accurate (cycle-level accurate), light-weight and efficient emulation core library using Rust. Unlike sprocketnes or pinky, RuNES strives to provide with a clean and minimal core library without standard library (i.e., without Box, Rc, Vectors, etc.) that could be compiled and easily ported to embedded environments. Of course, a minimal but usable SDL-based GUI is also provided as a demonstration of use.
- Core library with minimal use of the Rust core crate, and zero use of std.
- Lightweight and clean code base.
- Support standard 6502 instruction set (unofficial instruction will be considered in the future).
- Load/save the machine state.
- Cycle-level accuracy (in-progress).
- Never use std in the core library.
- At the same time, avoid
as much as possible, but use it at discretion to improve performance: remove unnecessary checks within a very localized context. - Keep the core library code base minimal.
# for Ubuntu
# install Rust toolchain (
# $ sudo apt install curl gcc
# $ curl -sSf | sh
# and add $HOME/.cargo/bin to your $PATH
# install SDL2 by:
# $ sudo apt install libsdl2-dev # install SDL2 library
git clone
cd runes
cargo build --examples --release # build the binary
target/release/examples/runes --help # see the help message
# install homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
# install Xcode command line tools
xcode-select --install
# install SDL2
brew install sdl2
# rust up
curl -sSf | sh
# build RuNES and enjoy
git clone
cargo build --examples --release