Example of drone passport registration mechanism based on web3 technologies - Ethereum, IPFS and Robonomics network.
Watch demo on Youtube: Drone Passport dapp on Ethereum Blockchain or Drone Passport agent in action. Terminal view
In order to organize drone operations efficiently, we need to make sure that vehicles have a trusted environment to exchange data and record transactions.
Drone registration agent. It receives the following fields from the Dapp:
- Contact email
- Full name
- Pilot ID
- Serial number of a drone
- Registration number
- Generic type of the drone
- Manufacturer of the drone
- Model of the drone
In launch/agent.launch
fill in an email and a password
<param name="login" value="" /> <!-- Gmail account login -->
<param name="email_from" value="" /> <!-- if it's empty, email_from is equal to login -->
<param name="email_password" value="" /> <!-- Gmail account password -->
You can specify some addresses in the launch/composer.launch
$ nix build -f release.nix
To launch main agent run:
$ source ./result/setup.zsh (bash)
$ roslaunch drone_passport_agent agent.launch
The composer node is launched via:
$ roslaunch drone_passport_agent composer.launch
To start the service as a system service add the following to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
systemd.services.de_direct = {
requires = [ "roscore.service" ];
after = ["roscore.service" ];
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
script = ''
source /root/de_direct/result/setup.bash \
&& roslaunch de_direct agent.launch
serviceConfig = {
Restart = "on-failure";
StartLimitInterval = 0;
RestartSec = 60;
User = "root";
and run
# nixos-rebuild switch
To test the service is up and running:
# systemctl status de_direct