A Simple Game Site Builder for Indie Game Developers
Just update the included xml file with your game's information and buy and subscribe code. You can also make some simple css changes within the xml file as well.
Then put your screenshots, header image, splash images for the feature list and subscribe block in the provided images folder.
Using your preferred FTP method, upload the included game_info.xml, index.php files and the images, css, and js directories and all their content to your webserver and the site takes care of itself.
You can see the Simple Game Site Builder in action at http://manlyboy.divineknightgaming.com/
- Add More Social Media Options. I am open for suggestions on commonly used social media platforms.
- Include consistently sized social media icons
- Added ability to click to enlarge included screenshots, plus alt text for all images.
- Made QOL changes to PHP elements
- Add the option for a slideshow style screenshot display block.
- Add more css options for the various information blocks
- Add Support for Bandcamp or other methods for soundtrack sales.
- Developed By E. Zachary Knight of Divine Knight Gaming
- Inspiration for Simple Game Site Builder, Justin Carroll's article: http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/JustinCarroll/20170227/292498/How_to_Make_Effective_Official_Game_Websites_Really_Fast.php
- Icons made by Freepik from Flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
- Click to Enlarge using Lightbox
- Image Gallery by Fotorama
If you do use Simple Game Site Builder, please let me know. It would be great to have a running list of those who have found this useful. Just let me know through Twitter @dk_gaming.
February 2020
- Fixed bug with hr tags
- General code clean up